placed him in his place

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Has the years rolled by, tharn celebrated his 10th birthday has he had always, alone and training hard, he was training Even harder has the competition was at the end of the month and he needed to get ready.
Circling his opponent, tharn kept his eyes to him to never waver to strike repeatedly until the other fell to then raise his hands to breathe and hard.
Tharn was over head to look at him to then back off, he kept his sword drawn.
"I want another opponent."
The teacher looked to the other to nod for them to get up to run.
Tharn relaxed his stance a bit to eye over his teacher with no expression.
"I want someone my age."
The teacher made a face.
"Sir, we can't find any one in our gang that wants to do such a thing and...."
"Stop giving me excuses. Go find one."
The two then looked to the side for tharns father to stroll in.
"You need to relax your tone tharn."
Tharn looked his father over.
"The competition is in less of a month, I need to practice with someone my age. Or would you like me to fail?"
Littiporn stopped to eye over his son to roll his eyes he then went to go grab a sword to then go back to much the one left by that other to have it drawn.
"You need to learn your place. Come at me."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then go and hard at his father, for the teacher to shake his head.
So much like his father, stubborn, ruthless, quick, he is not thinking though rationally or slowly.
Littiporn then striked at his son for tharn to move faster to try to get him to no avail, littiporn then raise an eye brow to see through his defiance to then so a few things tharn didn't do in battle, the two then fell to the floor for tharns sword to be to the side for his father to hover over for type to be struggling to keep the sharp end from his throat.
"You are still weak tharn, you need to learn a few other things, like karate, jitsu, krav maga, you are lacking in so many ways even if that fool teacher over there believes you're a parody. "
Littiporn then placed his hand to tharns head to grip his hair for tharn to wince, but kept his father's sword at bay.
"Before you can battle with someone you're age, you need to be about to take me down you little shit!"
Littiporn then made his son hit his head against the floor to then get up to throw his sword to the side to eye over his unconscious son, the teacher got up to then go to him to make sure he was breathing to then eye the boss.
Littiporn then grabbed a cigarette out to lit to take in a deep inhale to have it to be to his fingers.
"Some parody. I can still win."
He rolled his eyes to then move away to leave, the teacher made a hard face to then look to tharn to then shake his head to grab up the boy to take him to his room.
Groaning a bit later, tharn woke up to eye about to then place a hand to the back of his head to rub he then sat up a bit to look to the side to to his eyes.
"Why are you here?"
The mid wife was sitting in a chair to the side to be eyeing over him.
"Are you okay?"
Tharn signed to look down has he moved about to plant his feet to the floor to eye down to keep rubbing his head.
"I don't want you here."
The mid wife made a hard face to then get up to eye over him.
"Happy birthday tharn."
Tharn parted his lips to then look up to sign, he rolled his eyes again to then get up to go to his bathroom to eye himself over to hang his head.
My father is right, I need to learn those Martial arts, I need to get better. Need to be able to take him down and spare with someone my age. I will take down this type duungis. I will make my father proud.
Tharn then turned to go back to his bed to use his phone to call for teachers.
With her ear to the door, the mid wife heard his calls to then make a hard face to then turn to go seek the boss, he was to his office to be checking up on aawut to sign here and there. He then looked up to the mid wife who came in to then look back to the computer.
"Sir, you really hurt your son today."
Littiporn shrugged.
"He needs to learn his place. Disrespectful behavior especially with a teacher is not the way to go "
"Sir please, does he really have to...... Learn the sword and...."
Littiporn gritted his teeth to then turn to look to her fully in to then get up to place just hands to the desk..
"You know what miss vurntia, your services are no longer required."
She widened her eyes to part her lips..
"My son is 10 years old, he doesn't seem to want you at all, there is no reason for a mid wife, now you need to leave."
"Sir please, I see tharn has my own son and...."
"And there it is! He is not your son! Now get out of yourll and up just like aawuts lover."
She shivered a bit.
"Did.... Did you actually kill her?"
Littiporn rolled his eyes to then make a hard face to then grab his phone to talk in a different language, she eyed this confused to then look both ways to then eye him has two men came out to grab her, he then went about his desk to go to her.
"Miss vurntia, for watching over my son until now, I will not kill you, however you will spend the rest of you days confined. You should have left when I said so!"
Miss vurntia started to kick about for the doors to open for tharn to see this to eye them to then look to his father.
Littiporn placed on a professional stance, the mid wife looked over tharn.
"Tharn......tharn please! Help me!"
Tharn parted his lips to then look to his father after he looked to her.
"Are you.... Going to kill her?"
Littiporn Shook his head.
"Confinement. I did give her a chance to leave, she did not take it."
She struggled more .
Tharn took in a deep breathe to walk pass that to the to his father.
"Sounds like you should have listened to my father."
The mid wife widened her eyes to then be taken for tharn to look over his father.
"Wherever your taking her, can it be nice?"
Littiporn looked to him to then shove him down.
"Seems your more attracted to her then I thought, she's not your fucking mother! I will place her where I please! Now get out of my sight!"
Tharn looked over his father to then get up to leave to eye down the hall where he could hear her screaming to eye down.
I hate you father......I really do, and I'm sorry miss vurntia, if I had fought, you would have been killed.
Tharn signed to then go back to his room.

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