lost in confusion

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Finally getting back to his home, type was under the heat of a shower, to have his head up to have his eyes closed, to have his hands balled into fists to either side of his body to take in deep breathes to be solely in his mind to try to make sense of things. He couldn't understand tharn and why he did what he did and said what he said.
Type then signed to move his head out to the turn off the water, to get out of the shower to go to the rack to gather his towel to place about his mid section after he dried himself to then go straight to his bed to lay to his side to be eyeing his hands has he then used his fingers to play with the other, to have his brow furrowed.
Why did he stay this time? Why did he hurt me like that? What was he talking about? I don't get it. What did he see? Is he mad? Why would he be mad?
Type signed and hard to slowly turn from his side to his back to place a hand to his forehead to rub to make a really hard face.
What is going on in that head of his? One minute we're.......um..... Then we actually sleep in the same bed together then he turnes into a demon. I can't understand this guy at all. Is it because we're going through puberty? Having all these new emotions and....
Type then placed his hands to his eyes to rub to groan, before he went to his room, he stopped by the library to pick up a book about puberty and such to try to understand tharns line of thinking, all it really did was rise more questions and embarrassment.
Type then moved his hands to his either side of his head to dart his eyes over the ceiling to take in deep breathes.
What did he mean though..... I'm his? No one else can touch me? Not even myself. Well I can't for one but.... This is sounding like he is being very possessive of me. We're not a couple, we are nothing to the other, just two people who are needing to know a bit about the other and train so when we're 18, we don't have to kill the other.
Type made a face. He wasn't stupid, the way tharn looked at him, he knew he was going to try and accomplish that, which lead type into even more confusion has they kept being intimate.
Type took in a very deep breathe to then place his hands under his head to continue to look to the ceiling.
I meant what I said after what you did to me tharn, you are never ever going to touch me in that way again! You only cause pain and I am done with that! I get that enough here, I don't need that from you!
Type then turned his head to look up to see his phone to the edge of the side table to sign.
Know you said to not ignore you, but I'm done!
Type then quickly got the phone to then block tharn to then slam the phone to the side table to take in deep breathes.
I need to stay away from him from now on, no good is going to come from this. Need to keep myself busy and surrounded by people, I'll sleep with sulina every night, this really is the end.
Type then slowly looked back to his hand that was covering the phone to make a long face to then sign to get up to start to go about to get dressed, has this did emotionally hurt him and he couldn't figure out why.
To his home, tharn was to the underground to be hitting and hard a bag to then move back to take in deep breathes to eye over it to then go back to punch some more to then furrow his brow has type kept slithering into his thoughts.
Tharn then moved back to turn to place his hands behind his head to take in deep breathes to continue to move.
Tharn had in his head types moaning, slight snoring, remembering his heat, his body, the way he made different facial movements, the things he said and what he had said to him.
Tharn then stopped moving to then eye down to then roll his eyes to look straight ahead.
Tharn then moved his hands down to go to his hands to start to unwrap the tape to hit the showers that were down there to have heat go to his back, to have his forehead to the wall, to have one hand to it, palm down, to be staring down to see his free hand around his length to be beating himself off and hard to think about type, he wished the boy was there, wished his dick was in one of his very hot holes.
Tharn then squeezed his eyes tightly shut to quicken his pace to then unload.
After he went to his room to be dressed to be sitting to the edge of his bed to be eyeing over his phone to be thinking.
Should I text him? I know he thinks this is over but it's not, just can't not be. I know I want......
Tharn signed to take in a deep breathe.
Know I have to kill him, however I won't, not in that way, least not until we're 18, I'll just wait. Just will kill him in a very much different way. Every day?
Tharn started to chew at his bottom lip. He wanted type and bad, tharn couldn't really understand why, he tried to analyze that need in so many different ways just to come with the end result of needing type.
Tharn signed to then text.
Tharn: meet here, tonight at 1030 pm.
Tharn then placed an address to then raise an eye brow has his phone stated it didn't go through, he then got up to call type to then slowly move his phone down with a face to then darkly smirk.
Being bad I see, that's just fine, I'll be seeing you tonight then.
Tharn then turned off his phone to place it to his side table to move his hands up to undo his braids has he was thinking of another style for his hair, to then try to go to bed to not know what he was in for the following night.

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