got to be kidding me!

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2 months later, the crime boss of the naramis looked down to a crib to be eyeing over his 5 month old son to sign has he looked back with no expression either.
You are a mistake and... 
Turning his head he looked to his son's mother who came in to go to him quiet quick.
"Did you do it!?"
He looked to her confused.
"What are you blabbering about?"
"Did you kill the duungis mob boss girlfriend right after she gave birth!"
They widened there eyes to go to her to place his hands to her arms to shake with anger.
"What the hell are you talking about!?"
"You need to talk to your advisor ittiporn!"
Ittiporn tossed her to the side a bit to then leave.
"Stay here!"
She gulped to then go tend to her baby.
To another room, ittiporn went to his advisor who told him the whole situation, the duungis's were blaming them for the murder of his childs mother. Ittiporn looked over his advisor to then turn to go to the giant window to place a hand to his mouth to place a hand to his hip.
"You have to be fucking kidding me!"
"Her body was found with her head taken off by a sword. A civilian wouldn't have done this. I don't know who did it but...."
Ittiporn turned to look to him.
"I know my gang, they wouldn't do such a thing!  I can't believe this is happening, what are the others saying?"
"No gang wants to deal with us. Many have pulled out of our organization. This is bad sir."
Ittiporn made a hard face to then grab his phone to then turn to call aawut.
Aawut watched over his son has he slept to feel his phone go off to then pull it out to then eye it. He rolled his eyes to then block the number.
Ittiporn narrowed his eyes to lower his phone from his ear.
"So..... He wants to play it that way."
The advisor took a step forward.
"We need to pull all of our business from they're and others, we need to stay to ourselves, I will draw up new rules every one is to follow."
The advisor watched him go to make a face to place his hand to his neck to rub.
Ittiporn went back to the room to see her with the baby to go to them to take away the baby to place him back down, to place a hand to her arm to lead her out.
"You are no longer required."
She turned her head to look at him.
"What are you talking about?"
Ittiporn tossed her a bit to eye over her.
"You served your purpose, you gave me a son. I no longer want you here."
She started to breathe heavily.
"We have a son together! You can't just...."
Ittiporn went to her to place his hand to her head to grip her hair to really eye, she placed her hands to his to wince.
"Who do you think you are too talk to me? The only reason you are even here was to give me what I was forced to need. Which was a baby and a boy. Now if you don't want to end up like brunia, I suggest you get the fuck out!"
Ittiporn tossed her more for her to fall to the ground to then look up teary.
"I want my baby then!"
Ittiporn wrapped his arms about himself.
"He is a naramis, he goes no where. Leave now or you can leave in a box!"
She gulped and hard to get shakily up.
"Mark my words ittiporn, I will be back and I'll take tharn with me!"
Ittiporn watched her go to then place his phone to his ear.
"Yes, i need you to get rid of Rosie, she has fulfilled her purpose."
Ittiporn placed the phone away to then go to the crib to eye in it to see tharn who looked up but didn't coo nor cry.
Your late grand father forced you upon me, doesn't mean I want you, better be skilled with the sword or your fate will be like your mother's!
Ittiporn then turned to leave the infant all by himself to go to his office to start in on new rules for his gang and to start taking his business into his own.
A few weeks later, many of the gang bosses talked amongst themselves to stay out of this and those two gangs, there was no evidenced has to who killed brunia. Soon it was just a rumor going about that the naritams killed her but no one could answer the main question has to why. However the damage was done.
By a late afternoon, ittiporn was to a doctor's office to be eyeing over them who looked over tharn to then turn to eye over him.
"He is very healthy."
Ittiporn nodded to then go to the baby to grab to go, after what happened he turned more non vocal and more tactical.
Driving, he rolled his eyes has tharn started to cry, he turned up the volume to his car to drive faster, going back he gave him to one of the mid wives to go to a room to sit to a chair to have a hard face.
To the room, the mid wife stood to be feeding the baby to be bouncing him a bit to sign.
The baby was very much like his father, never really seemed to be happy, always wore no expression, never really cooed or laughed.
The mid wife then lulled him to sleep to then be next to his crib to eye down.
You have one hard road that lays before you, with having that father of yours and no mother. Don't know where she went. Did the duungis's kill her for revenge?
The mid wife signed to close her eyes.
I hope everything will work itself out later. You really need to have a better father then the one you have tharn.
The mid wife then turned to sit to the chair to wrap her arms about herself to turn her head to eye over tharn not to know what type of childhood he was going to have.

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