is he even human?

75 9 13

At age 9 tharn was scaring people a bit,good at the sword and he was just like his father with it. Also his silent and non expressive nature about himself kept people away even people his own age.
Tharn kept to himself and knew his place in the gang, he saw how it made his father happy and proud thus he made sure to keep at it.
At a training session, ittiporn fought with his son more then the teacher for them to keep hitting there swords with the other and clashing, ittiporn then turned to hit tharns sword and hard for them to both go back to breathe hard to then go back at it and hard, tharn was trying to get through his defensive but it was a difficultly, he then saw his opening to trip his father to for him to hit his butt to then look up.
Ittiporn signed.
"For now."
Tharn then stepped back to key his sword out to eye over his father who then got up to turn to grab his sword.
"Father, today is my..... Birthday, may I ask you a question?"
Ittiporn looked to the sword.
"What is it?"
"It's... About my mother."
Ittiporn signed to then turn to eye over him.
"We don't talk about her."
Tharn placed the sword to his side to keep a stern look.
Ittiporn rolled his eyes to eye the sword he had.
"She was murdered by the duungis's, we've discussed this."
Tharn took a step forward.
"By who?"
Ittiporn looked to tharn.
"By aawut. The gangs leader."
Tharn gritted his teeth to take another step closer.
"Is that the truth?"
Ittiporn raised an eye brow.
"Why would I lie?"
Tharn looked him up and down to then turn to the sword away to then leave, ittiporn narrowed his eyes.
Tharn went about to then go to the compound roof to sit to the bench to look forward to eye about to place his hands together.
He heard the rumor about the duungis's mother to be killed by someone of there gang, his father to be exact, and his father for the last 4 years told him this, tharn wasent stupid.
He then turned his head to see the mid wife you the roll his eyes to look forward once more, she came about to then sit next to him to eye.
"What are you doing up here?"
Tharn shrugged.
She made a face.
"You know, I wonder what would happen if I kept track of how much you talk in a given month."
Tharn signed.
She then nudged him with her shoulder.
"Come on tharn, let's go, I did something for your birthday."
Tharn took in a very deep breathe.
"Every year you do, every year I don't go. Please leave "
She eyed him up and down.
"Tharn, your birthday is a day of celebration and......"
Tharn then got up to push her away to then eye.
"No it's not! Now leave me be! Your not my mother! You are nothing special!"
Tharn then turned to leave for the mid wife to hang her head to have tears start to fall.
Moving about the other gang members kept to there tasks to stay away from him has he walked near for tharn to make it to his room to then sit to the edge of the bed to look down at his hands to shake his head.
Why can't she just leave me alone? I just want to master my sword and win every single competition. Emotions and feelings get in the way of that. Makes you slow.
Tharns eyes narrowed.
Maybe she is trying to do that on purpose, she has never liked my father or my goals, she is trying to make me weak, so my father hates me.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then turn his head to look to the sword to think about killing her to then make a hard face to then hang his head to look down.
He bent himself over a bit to place his elbows to his legs to place his hands to his face.
Tharn didn't want to kill, he just wanted to win competitions, however he knew once he was old enough, he would do those and get to go outside to be part of the gang, ittiporn was training him to take it over.
Tharn then placed his hands to his neck to rub to close his eyes.
Next year, you have your first competition, you have to win, have to beat everyone, Even the son of the gang boss duungis's. Especially him!
Tharn flexed his jaw to then move to his back to place his arms behind his head to look to the ceiling.
I need to continue to push back my emotions, I need to be the best, need to be everything my father needs me to be.
Tharn signed to turn his head to peer his eyes to the wall.
I will need to eventually kill....will my first be her or..... The son of the duungis's? If my father is telling me the truth, if his father really killed my mother, then i take his son.
Tharn darted his eyes over the ceiling to then go to his side to start to think about his mother.
He really wished he knew who she was, what she had looked like, what type of person she was, would she have Loved him, cared for him. Could he then be something else, someone who could actually feel? Tharn really didn't know.
Tharn then started to grow tired for his eyes lids to start to drop to start to go into unconsciousness to think a bit here and there for everything to then go dark, after only a bit, he heard a noise to then reach for his dagger he kept under his pillow to strike without thought to be to the edge to part his lips, the mid wife was there with a cake to then slowly look down, tharn slowly looked down to then take out his dagger from her side, to watch her drop the cake to stubble back to place a hand to her wound to shake.
"Help...... Please...."
Tharn looked her up and down.
Your presence is a distraction.
Her eyes widened to start to cough up blood to turn to limp away.
"Your a monster, like your father!"
Tharn watched her go for him to jolt forward to breathe heavily to eye about to place his legs to his chest to wrap his arms about to look down to grit his teeth to close his eyes to Rock himself back and forth.

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