can't believe this!

73 8 14

Type breathed and hard to be eyeing over tharn who hovered over him, to look over to try to figure out what type was going to do, type was in the same state, he didn't really know what he was going to do either, sulina was deep asleep above them, type flexed his jaw under tharns hand to then slept start to shuffle his body back and forth to try to get away for tharn to move his head back to roll his eyes.
You need more power and strength then that. You are trying very hard not to wake that other I see.
Tharn started to grow more in anger with that thought, he then moved his one hand up from types mouth to then slowly take it down for type to peer his eyes down to watch this to stop his movements immediately to then look back at tharn with anger.
"Stop it!" He whispered.
Tharn shook his head to then place his hand to his boxers to then start to take them down, to lesson his grip on types hands that laid above him to see what he was going to do..
Type felt the less of pressure to then move up to quick for him to turn to eye over sulina who took in a deep breathe to then turn to go to his other side to continue to be deep in sleep, tharn immediately moved up has well to eye over them, to then look to type to see actual fear in his eyes which made tharn feel full on anger, even though he couldn't understand why, tharn then placed his hands to his arms for type to snap his head forward to then look down to then wrestle with tharn a bit, for tharn to then turn type to his stomach, to place his hands behind him to use his knees to open types legs a bit wider so he could go further into them to then press his private area over types ass for him to turn his head and quick to look down has he felt the pressure.
"Stop it!" He whispered with stealth.
Tharn kept his gaze down to types eyes to have a hard no expression face to shake his head slowly to then move that area of his body to types, for him to whimper so very softly and quietly to then turn his head to look up, sulina had his back to type to be still in deep slumber, he had a very hard day prior to this and he was very tired.
Tharn eyed over this to them become overwhelmed with jealousy and anger to then take his free hand to move it to types head to move him back.
Tharn then moved type and quick to his body has that was too loud for both of them to be to there knees, for tharn to have his hands over types mouth, for him to have his hands to tharns wrists for them both to be eyeing sulina who then took in a deep breathe to still he knocked out.
Tharn took in a deep breath, to then continue to have one hand to that mouth to then take his free hand to slowly take it down to move his mouth to his neck to caress.
Types eyes widened to place a hand to both of tharns wrists, he was trying to pull his one hand from his mouth to no avail, to then try to stop his other hand to no avail, tharn then went quicker to place that hand inside his boxers to grab his member that was very much stiff, to then start to stroke, type whimpered to then look at sulina to shake his head.
Why is this happening! What is wrong with you tharn! Sulina works directly with my father! If he wakes up and finds out about this my father will kill me! Ugh? Maybe that's your new plan for me huh! And.....nnn!
Has tharn was using his mouth to caress types neck, he then had opened his eyes to look at type to see was looking at this other, and thinking, tharn wanted both of those actions to stop and now.
Tharn then started to really stroke him off, for type to relax his body a bit on tharns to lift his head back to start to grind with the action, has it had been a week of no touching that area and type having erections for them to be very difficult to go away.
Tharn then peered his eyes down to see types very white and a bit to small shirt to see two bumps. Tharn then raised an eye brow to then eye over type who had his eyes closed to be enjoying this.
Tharn then took his take off of types cock to then slowly move his hand up, to take his hand slowly down from his mouth to do something he hadn't yet, to place two fingers to either one of those bumps on his chest to then start to tease, type jumped to place his hands to either wrist to keep his body pressed to tharns to keep his head lift back, eyes closed for his mouth to salivate, this action felt so very good, his cock started to twitch uncontrollably in his boxers.
Tharn then went to his ear..
"Like that?"
Tharn then placed a finger on both to move in small circles for type to whimper and hard..
"Such a pervert you Have you learned your lesson yet? Or would you like to be fucked here?"
Type snapped his head to the side to look over tharn.
Tharn then placed his hands to types mouth for them to eye back at sulina who took in another deep breathe to then roll back to smack his mouth to start to breathe shallowly again.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look down to not like what he saw very much on types face.
Then pushed him back down to take off his boxers even though type thrashed and hard to then move his lower up..
"You never learn!"
Type placed his hands to the bed to turn his head to look to tharn to then place his hands to his mouth to moan into then has tharn placed his tongue in the boys rectum to get it wet.
Type then laid his cheek to the bed to gasp his moans to breathe and hard to whimper.
Why the fuck is this happening to me! What did I fucking do for him to......
Type darted his eyes to then close one has tharn started to pound that tongue in and out.
Is it because I ignored him? Is that why he is doing this!? God! So childish! We're going to get caught and he doesn't even seem to care! This is not okay! And sulina does not deserve this!
Type then moved a bit to eye over sulina with a face. Has he did have conflicting feelings for him.
Tharn then slowly took out his tongue to eye the action.
Believe you have learned your lesson can go to another.....
Tharn then slowly looked up to furrow his brow with anger at what he was looking at.
Why are you looking at him while I........
Tharn then moved up to grab ahold of type to place him to his back, to then place his hands to one to his chest, to then take a hand down to take out his cock, type looked down to then eye up to shake his head.
"No!" He said has quietly has he could.
Tharn scoffed to then place his tip to his outter hole to not even place on lube to then slowly go down to be a mere inch from his face .
"You deserve this and then some!"
Type then felt that cock go in to whimper has it hurt to then look up, for tharn to become infuriated to then place his hand to types head to grip a bit to make him look to him and only him to then slowly go in, for type to wiggle a bit.
Tharn scoffed.
"You are deserving of whatever you feel."
Tharn then went slowly down to go to his ear..
"Little slut!"
Types head went back only slightly has tharn pushed himself in and hard to then pump with the same velocity, type started to really whimper.
"Tharn......nnn..... Tharn..... Stop! This hurts........"
Tharn couldn't help but keep pumping, even though this felt off and it hurt him a bit also he was making a point.
'has someone learned?"
Tharn then moved back to eye type who had his head forced to stay in that position to look over him with a sullen face, this was hurting him and a lot.
"Yes! Don't ignore you! Now stop!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to start to slow his pumping but kept fucking type..
"That's not all."
Tharn then moved back to stop his dick inside of type to then look to sulina to then eye back down at him.
Type peered his eyes up has his head couldn't move to then look back at tharn a bit confused.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then start to slowly pump himself for type to whimper to then have it click.
"Are...... Are you jealous of......mmm!"
Tharn then placed his hands to his mouth to hold down and hard to really look over type who then placed his hands to his chest has tharn also stopped his dick from inside.
"Never ever say that too me! I am not! However I did tell you last time we met! You are mine! Also do not sleep with anyone else but me! Also this....."
Tharn moved a hand down to firmly place his hand to types semi limp member to grip for type to make a pained face for tharn to move his head closer.
"Is mine! No one! Not you, not him, not any one is to touch! No one is to touch you! Do you now understand! Or do we need to keep going for you to learn a further lesson!"
Type took in very deep breathes to then shake his head, tharn then took a hand off to place to his neck to grip, to really just keep him down and there to narrow his eyes to tilt his head a bit to the side to look over him.
Type then took in a very deep breathe to eye over tharn has he was not really going to agree to that however he needed to get him to calm down and off.
Type then gave a stiff nod.
"I understand...... Now please.... Stop.....I...... Don't want to keep feeling pain..... This hurts.... Really hurts......"
Tharn looked him over to then slowly move out to then place his hand to his head to grip his hair to move type up to then place his dick away to then get them off the bed to turn to then take his hand off to then hit type to the back of the head to then move down has type turned to throw him his boxers to then step to him.
"We are not done, now of you want me to use lube, place on your boxers and we're going to your room."
Types eyes widened.
"You can't be.......ooow!"
Tharn placed his hand to his arm and hard to start to breathe heavily.
"I am very serious! Now put on your boxers!"
Type looked to tharn has they were exchanging hard whispers to then look to sulina which made tharn mad for him to grip harder for type to be the look to him..
"What the hell is your problem!!"
Tharn scoffed to move his head closer.
"You are my problem! You never listen!"
Tharn moved his head back to roll his eyes to then move about to then pull type for him to eye the action then him in a bit of horror.
"What are you doing! I haven't......"
Tharn darkly laughed..
"Told you what to do and you didn't, what happens next is not my problem."
Type shuttered to then start to try to get out of his grasp to no avail to then awkwardly place on his boxers to then be pulled to his room where this night was just beginning.

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