lost and confused

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After that day, a week came and went then another one, by the third type was to his desk to have his elbow to it with his hand to his neck to rub to be writing down his homework with a face.
Type in those three weeks felt very lost and confused, he didn't know until that one day sex could actually feel good, he also didn't understand why he wanted tharn to stay that day he also very much didn't understand why tharn hadent messaged him, but for type it really didn't matter, he was not going to show up for another meet up any way, they needed to be done, they went far and over the original point of why they were meeting up like that.
Type made a hard face has he kept thinking of that one night however, it really did feel good, some parts hurt but the overall was better.
Type then signed to slam his pencil down to squeeze his eyes tightly shut given he was very much hard from down below.
Type placed his hand from his neck to the neck where his other hand was to ball them into fists to take in deep breathes, unless tharn was touching him, type never masterbated, he remembered what his father said and type just couldn't go against that rule.
Type signed harder has it wasn't going down, he then opened his eyes to peer them to the side to have felt his phone vibrate, he then narrowed his eyes to move a hand to the phone to grab you then eye it.
His eyes widened.
What fucking timing! Ugh!
Type then placed the phone down to shake his head.
I am not meeting you there!
Type took in a deep breath to then get up to walk this off, given cold showers weren't really much help.
Type went about his home with his hands to his pockets to be slightly happy his hard on did go down to then stop to eye up has he saw sulina go from one room to then turn to go down the hallway, type looked over his back to make a face.
His heart did thump a but more heavily, like it did when he saw tharn, type couldn't understand why it did that and why it did such a thing for these two boys.
Type sucked in a huge breathe to then go forward to find sulina.
To his desk in his room, sulina was going over paperwork to then turn his head to hear slight knocking, he then got up to go to the door to answer to eye over type.
Type looked him over.
"Could.....I come in?"
Sulina nodded to then move away from the door to motion with his head.
"Of course "
Type smiled to then go in, everything was easy with suilna, type rather liked that.
Going in type went to the bed to sit to the edge to turn his head to see suilna close and lock his door to go straight back to his desk to sit fish for type to have turned his head to eye over him.
"I haven't heard anything about her. Your father is still looking but not has hard has you think."
Type cupped his hands together to then turn his head to eye down.
"Good. Um sulina..... Could I...... Ask you.... Some personal questions."
Sulina turned in his chair to then eye over type.
Types ears then went red.
"So..... I'm curious, have you've..... Um...... Um..... Ever had......um....... Sex with anyone?"
Sulinas eyes widened to then look down to the floor for his ears to go red.
"Uuuh no...... Why are you asking me that?"
Type peered his eyes to the side to be over whelmed with embarrassment.
"I'm just slightly curious about it and....."
"You know the rules type, you can't engage in that."
Type made a really hard face. Sulina then slowly looked up to dart his eyes over a stiff looking type.
"Are...... You wanting to?"
"I..... Don't know.....I am 16 and...... I'm just curious."
Sulina parted his lips to start to breathe rather hard.
"Curious..... On what?"
Sulina then got up and slowly to then go to type to sit next to him to continue to eye.
Type started to figit with his fingers to continue to have his head turned to the side to be embarrassed.
"Heard it hurts....... But could feel good...... Maybe it hurts if your....... Doing it with the wrong person......I don't know......ugh don't even know what I'm saying....."
Sulina moved a bit closer for type to slowly turn his head to look to him for his heart to thump unevenly.
"I heard it can hurt...... At least in the beginning.... Also depends on who your with I guess...... But type...... Are you..... Trying to..... Have sex with someone?"
Type darted his eyes over sulina to the turn his head to keep darting them.
I have already....... And now I just keep thinking about it....  What is wrong with me?
Type took in a deep breathe to move a bit uncomfortable.
"Um......I don't know why I'm talking about this or why I...... Could we just stop talking about it and...... Can I sleep in your room tonight?"
Sulina widened his eyes a bit to then nod.
"No problem."
Type took in a deep breath to then take off his hoodie to then take off his pants and socks to go about the bed to head towards the covers for suilna to turn his head to eye this for his heart to thump un evenly in his chest for suilna to turn his head to look forward to pout.
To tharn, he was at the address to then become impatient, he then tried to call type to no avail, he then rolled his eyes to go straight to his home, tharn had gotten very busy in the last three weeks and this was going to happen.
Tharn first tried outside to the pond, no type, he then ventured in to go about undetected, to some how find his room, standing in it, he looked about to think about going through his things to gather more intel but tharn was there for a different mission, he then left to try and find him, the more time past and he couldn't was starting to piss him off, tharn then started to cautiously go into bedrooms to then have a long time be before a bed to have his eyes narrowed, he found type to his side, asleep, to then peer his eyes to the side to see suilna asleep to his side back to type, tharn started to breathe and hard not to understand the emotion he was having has he saw this, he then widened his eyes has suilna turned to go to his other side to move towards type to snuggle right up to him to wear a smile has he placed his erection over his boxers to grind on him a bit to then stop.
Tharn started to breathe harder to then move his thumb for his sword to cock out to then take in a very deep breathe to eye the two to place his sword back down to leave in anger, has he knew this was not the last time he was going to see type.

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