being bad

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Hitting the punching bag and hard, type then really hit it to move back to breathe and deep to sign, he then turned to place his back to the punching bag to look forward to then place a hand to his neck to rub and hard, he then moved from the punching bag to go straight to the pool to lay too weigh in there to dart his eyes over the ceiling. After a week since type blocked tharn he had been in a world of confusion and misery.
Type then moved up to then go to the side to place his arms over to wrap themselves to then turn his head to lay it upon to eye to the side to make a face.
You did the right thing, need to stay away from him but why do I feel like this?
Type then shook his head to then move out of the pool to then lay to his back to go keep his legs into the pool to have his arms laid out to either side to look up.
Damnit....... Why do I feel..... Like this? We shouldn't be doing what we have, should only have been training and....
Type then placed his hands to his eyes to rub to groan.
I'm so sick of this! Ugh!
Type then moved to then get up to go to his room to take a shower to then be before sulinas door to eye over.
I'm tired of thinking and over thinking and feeling this way and.....
Type then balled his hands into fists to either side of himself.
And......Being alone.
Type rolled his eyes at the last part.
Type then moved his hand up to then knock on that door, to step back has the door opened for suilna to eye type up and down.
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Can......I sleep with you?"
Sulinas heart started to thump unevenly in his chest at how type worded that to then gulp to slowly move to the side to motion with his head for type to come in.
Type smiled to then go in, sulina then closed the door to take in deep breathe to then turn to see type go straight in, to lay his back to sulina to curl up a bit to furrow his brow to grit his teeth has he felt weird for being there but he couldn't understand why, type really couldn't understand himself.
Sulina then went about to go to the edge of the bed to eye over type who looked very muddled to then take in a very deep breathe to place his hands to the bottom of his shirt to then take it off to eye over him again, for type to continue to stare forward with that face, sulinas then dropped to then go to the light near him to turn off to then get in the bed, for type to then turn to place his back to him to dart his eyes to become more confused. Type didn't understand why this didn't feel right.
Sulina eyed over him to then curl his bottom lip inward to push just a bit to place his body to types has he was still awake to then place his arm over his body.
Type then widened his eyes to peer them down to dart.
Sulina pressed himself a bit more to go to his ear.
"What..... What are you doing?"
Sulina signed.
"I'm cold."
Type raised an eye brow to then turn to hug sulina to close his eyes for suilna to look down with a face to sign and hard to then close his eyes.
You are so innocent, type. I really like that about you.
"Type..... Thank you."
Type held him tighter.
Type couldn't help but to fall asleep in the warm embrace of sulina, even though this didn't entirely feel right, but it did feel easier.
Has type slept he then furrowed his brow has he felt a tugging.
Type continued to keep his eyes closed given he believed this was a dream until he was tugged and rough by his ankles to then be turned to his back, to feel his hands to above his head to then feel something to his mouth for him to pop his eyes opened to tense to shake a bit has he looked over one very angry tharn.
Type gulped to then dart his eyes about confused to then lift up his head to see suilna to widen his eyes even wider to then move his head back down to eye over then to then shake his head.
No no no no! What the fuck! This can't be happening! Sulinas, he is right here!
Type started to thrash a bit for him to then stop to breathe and hard has tharn slowly raised his eye brow.
Type looked him over to whimper.
This can't be happening!! What the hell is he doing here? It's been a solid week! And....
Tharn continued to eye over type to watch him over think to then peer his eyes slowly up to start to breathe heavily, he was not at all happy, when tharn came looking for him, he found type to be wrapped about this other and tharn now was feeling a large amount of unknown emotions he never felt before, he also almost killed this other but knew that would not be in the best interest of his gang to do such a thing and not to have this happen by his hand.
Growing in anger tharns grip started to become harder, type made a painful noise for him to then look down to narrow his eyes. He then slowly moved his head down to stop mere inches from his face.
"You have been very bad! Need to pay the price"
He said in a stern and demanding voice, for type to start to breathe and hard to place a very hard face upon.
What is he going to do?
Types eyes widened to peer his eyes up then back to tharn a few times to leave them on him.
What is he going to fucking do!!!!

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