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Breathing and hard, type kept a strong face for his head to then go to the side for it to then go the other way for his head to drop a bit for him to then spit out blood to eye the floor.
Aawut who stood before him then shook his head, he then smacked him once more for type to lean his head forward to eye the floor has blood started to drip from his mouth.
"You were nothing but a humiliation to me today. Also that was very disrespectful."
Type signed to slowly raise his head to look over his father to move his mouth to then spit blood on him.
Aawut narrowed his eyes.
Type couldn't help but to laugh has he saw his blood on his shirt.
"Seems someone is on there period."
Aawut raised an eye brow to shake his head.
"Your sense of humor is going to cost you dearly."
Aawut went to type to grab him by the hair to then knee him to the stomach for type to lay to the ground to keep kicking to then turn to eye over a body guard.
"Take that thing to the doctor."
The body guard made a face to eye over him to watch him go to then eye type who was unconscious to the floor.
Moving his eyes under his lids type started to take in deeper breathes to then slowly open his eyes to look about to furrow his brow, he then looked to the side to see a machine going to then turn his head the other way to look to
Type winced to start to cough.
Suilna moved from his chair to look to type with a bit of worry.
"You are in the doctors room. Broke a few ribs."
Type made a very hard face to slightly sign to wince once more.
"You need to try to breathe slowly."
"T.....trying...... Everything.....hurts....."
"I can talk to the doctor to give you more pain pills."
Type made a face.
"Any..... Any thing else, wrong with me?"
"You lost a little bit of blood, but you got a transfusion yesterday that has helped."
Type furrowed his brow confused to then slowly turn his head to eye over suilna.
"Yes...... Yesterday?"
"You've..... Been here for a week."
Type signed.
Suilna darted his eyes over type to then look to his one hand to then place his over. Type peered his eyes down to be confused with this action to slowly look back at him.
"Everything will be okay. You will get out in the next two weeks, I also have not heard anything about her, so far they haven't found her yet."
Type nodded to the turn his head to place it forward to close his eyes to take in slow breathes.
Suilna looked over type to then let go of his hand to then go back to sit down to eye over him.
"Other then the good, I have heard.... Once you are better, your father will train you harder, I have also heard he is going to take away your sense or humor."
Type shrugged a bit.
"He can..... Try..... Other then a....blood transfusion..... Anything else?"
"The pain medication. That is all."
"Well....I need to heal...... Don't want you to......"
"I won't get in trouble from being here. Your father asked for someone to watch you to let him know when you have waken up."
"We're you told too or did you volunteer?"
"He wont think about that, right now he is not happy about the tie that happened, there will be a lot of people for you to fight and think differently. You will have a lot of things to do once you get up from the hospital bed."
Type signed once more.
"Suilna.....I really want to be alone right now."
Suilna nodded to then get up.
"I understand. I do not like that this happened."
Type turned his head away from suilna.
"Thank you..... For your concern."
Suilna made a face to then go about to leave.
Type then slowly shuffled to his side to wrap his arms about himself to look to the back of the door to grit his teeth and hard, he was in a lot of pain, that was the one thing in his life he hated the most and never want to be in.
Type gulped and hard to close his eyes to hate his life, he never knew his mother, that one man killed his mother from what his father said to him, and type was trained and being trained to be a killer that in honesty he didn't want to be. Type didn't even know this tharn and from what he saw he was just an annoying self righteous kid.
Type slowly opened his eyes to then go to his back to wince to whimper.
What am I going to do? Going to take me at least two weeks to heal then training, upon training, and I have no idea what suilna meant when he said my father is going to get rid of my humor, what does that mean? What is he going to do?
Type then looked to his hand that suilna touched to bring it before his head to really eye over it.
Why did he touch me like that? No one has ever shown concern for me before, except for.
Type slowly moved his hand down to look to the ceiling has a lot of emotions and thoughts were going through his mind.
Type then closed his eyes to take in deep breathes, even though they hurt, he didn't want to cry, he didn't want to think about her, type missed her so much but knew he needed to stay away to keep her safe, and he knew if he found her, his father would kill.
Type placed his hands over his eyes to rub to have too much be on his shoulders at this time and he really didn't know what to do at all, all he could do at that moment was rest and get ready for what was coming around the corner..

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