bad father's

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Going to the instructor office, type was standing with his head hung before the desk with his father to the side to be fuming with his arms wrapped about himself to be eyeing fists forward to grit his teeth, first for being in there because of his son the second because right behind him was littiporn and aawut didn't at all want to be close.
Littiporn was to the back to be writing aawut with tharn to his side to be eyeing over the instructor who looked to type then to his father then back to type.
"So, Mr. Duungis what was that?"
Type breathed in deep but didn't say a word, aawut then snapped his head to look to his son to then smack him upside his head, type want forward a bit. The instructor looked between them to sign.
Littiporn narrowed his eyes at this to then peer his eyes to tharn who was still eyeing forward.
"He is not talking to me! Speak type!"
The instructor looked to aawut to then eye type who made a face.
"I am in regret for my behavior."
"Can you tell me why you have done such a thing?"
Type shrugged for him to then wince has his father hit him against the head once more.
"Nn......I....... Don't like to..... Be to a tie..... Wanted to win......'
The instructor made a face to then lean back in his chair.
"You may not like it but it happened, the two of you are  just too good. With your action maybe you shouldn't be to go forth with the competition and....."
"Sir please! They are just children, I will go over the rules for my son and this will not happen again.' aawut explained.
The instructor signed to then look to littiporn.
"Well since your son was the one who was attacked....."
Littiporn took in a deep breathe to hear aawut sign.
"Boys will be boys, however I believe if this boy does this again, he should be kicked out of this competition."
The instructor looked to them all to then shrug.
"Let it be so then, Mr. Duungis if you do this again you can not continue do you understand?"
Type signed, he didn't want to continue, he then was hit over his head once more for him to then eye up to then nod.
"I understand."
"Good, now you do not need to come back until you are 11 all the way until you are 18, you will spare with different competitors, until then remember what the rules are, you are all dismissed."
Aawut went to type to grab him by his arm and hard to almost run away from this situation, he needed to deal with his son. Littiporn watched them go to shake his head, to then look to tharn who took in a deep breathe, littiporn then went about to place his arms behind him for tharn to follow.
They went about the place to then go in there car for tharn to have gone in first for littiporn to be standing outside to have his head turned to watch aawut keep hitting type to the back of his head until he got in to then stop before it to the eye over littiporn with a face to roll his eyes to then get in to slam the door, littiporn watched them go to then get in his car to have his head turned to look out the window with a face.
You wanted this child, wanted him so very bad and you treat him like that, I'm so very confused.
Littiporn then turned his head to look to tharn who was by the window to have his head turned to he looking forward to eye over him.
I am not like aawut, I never wished for children, because of a mistake he happened to come along and now I'm stuck with him.
Littiporn rolled his eyes to then turn his head to eye out the window once more.
All he is good for is taking down the son of aawut, which needs to happen given what aawut has done!
Littiporn started to breathe heavily has anger started to grow.
Has the car went about, tharn couldn't help but to be to his mind to think of everything that happened with that kid that day to shake his head here and there, to tharn this kid acted very immature and childish.
Tharn then started to really think about all this kids moves to make a face, he did know what he was doing.
Tharn placed his hand into a fist to his chin to watch has the landscape that surrounded them started to blur has they went about to then be stopped, they were outside of his home for tharn to get out to go straight to his room for his father to look after him to roll his eyes to then slam the car door behind him to then go to his study.
Tharn in his room, went straight to his desk to then sit to grab a piece of paper to then start to write about this kids skills and what he was able to do and how he attained his ways and how he handled the sword, he also wrote down his personality.
Tharn then moved the end of his pencil to the piece of paper to write over what he wrote to then slowly look up.
I need to give this to the people here, I need them to act just like this type so I can get a better handle on things and win, no more tieing! I will make my father proud, I will kill this type!
Tharn closed his eyes to take in a deep breathe to the have the pencil go from his fingers to place his hands to either side of his head to grit his teeth has that mid wife words through out his life with through his mind, he then shook his head.
I will not listen to her! Was not my mother! I will kill this type! Will make my father proud and take over this gang....... Rather I like it....or not... Tharn signed to then grab the piece of paper to get up to go to the sparring room, he needed to train and hard.

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