going over some things

72 8 20

Late last night, type got an address, for him to be packing mid afternoon, he had a duffle bag filled with vary of things like food and weapons given he didn't know what to bring, he then stopped stuffing things in to eye over it to take a deep breath to then zip it up.
I hope I have everything.
Type then placed his hoodie over his head to then grab the bag to place it over his body to then leave his room to go about the house in secret, going down a hallway suilna had a notebook and a pencil to be writing down some things to then stop to eye up to watch type go about to then raise an eye brow.
Where is he going?
Suilna signed to then go about to distract aawut.
Finally leaving the house, type walked to the side walk with his head hung to keep his head down to walk in stealth and quickness. Getting on a bus, type sat to the back near the window to eye out to breathe heavily. He had never ever done anything like this in his life but knew he needed to for the greater good.
Type then placed his hand to his head to continue to eye out knowing this was going to take awhile. For this was a place in the middle of both of there grounds.
After a long drive, type got off the bus to take out his phone to look at the address again to then place his phone to his back pocket to continue to go about, he then came to an abandoned looking building to eye over it to Make a face to place his hand to his duffle bag.
If this is a trap, if this isn't really a deal, I have what I need to.....
Type signed to then go forth has he was hoping this was real.
Inside type looked about, to then snap his head to the side to look down the hallway has he heard low grunting, type then fully turned to go down to stop in the door way to place his hand to the frame to dart his eyes to watch has tharn had a sword to be practicing on his own, type tilted his head to continue to watch.
This boy has speed, I'll give him that, but he doesn't really calculate the next moves, he is just using his speed and strength and......
Before type could continue to watch and think, tharn stopped to snap his head to the side to eye over type with a furrow brow has he's sword was drawn to breathe heavily.
Type eyed over him to have his heart start to race for unknown reasons, like it did when he first saw him this year.
Type shook it off to then wrap his arms about himself.
"Head start in practicing I see."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look down at types duffle bag to be confused, he then relaxed his stance a bit to then turn to slowly back up to sit to continue to eye that bag.
Type looked to tharn confused to then follow his gaze to then eye down to place a hand to his bag to pat.
Type then slowly looked up to eye about.
"Sure you have something here also."
Tharn scoffed to eye down to continue to hold his sword. Type looked him over to see tharn was wearing semi shorts, a blue long sleeve that was a bit tight, it was one of those stretchy shirts to where type could see his muscles to eye up just a bit to see it had a small hoodie that was over his hair, however a few strains of it was out to be over his eyes.
Type then wrapped his arms about himself.
"So..... Should we go over rules, what to bring for next time?"
Tharn slowly looked up.
"Next..... Time?"
"Do you think we will learn everything we need too with one day?"
Tharn looked over type to then eye down to place his sword into both hands to make a face has he knew type was right. He then nodded.
Type then went in to take off the duffle bag to place it over to the side to then turn back to eye about.
"Are.... We always going to practice here?"
Tharn continued to look at his sword has his first plan was going through his head, which was to kill type, not to draw this out, tharn didn't want this boy to suffer later, even though he pulled pranks and was annoying.
Tharn then shrugged again to continue to eye his sword, type then stopped to place his eyes to tharn.
"Not much of a talker I see."
Tharn signed has he continued to look over his sword.
"Mmm okay...... Think we can practice here for awhile but we need to keep moving, depending on when we practice, how long our practices are, I don't know fully about your father, but in the end we both need to not get caught."
Tharn gave a stiff nod has that was true.
"I also think this goes without saying, we Don't tell anyone about this, ever."
Tharn rolled his eyes to give another stiff nod.
Type continued to eye over tharn to then turn to go to his duffle bag to open to grab out his semi big sword to eye over it to the turn to go about to stand in front for tharn to slowly eye up.
"For these practices, the rules need to be, we don't seriously hurt the other, know we both are getting trained, they do enough damage."
Tharn slowly got up without a facial expression to walk towards type to be a few feet away from him to eye over.
"The main point to this is to learn a bit from the other, help the other so the final outcome isn't death, agreed?"
Tharn narrowed his eyes a bit to the take his stance to eye over type who signed to the take his stance to quickly whisper. Agreed, before the two then went at it.

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