staying above water

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Has type went to the board, he did not see he was paired with that naritam, he was paired with another gang kid, for the first round, type took in a very deep breathe to then move back to eye about where the children where going to the follow to sit down, type looked about to see if he could see that naritam, but couldn't seem to find him.
Type signed to then turn his head to hear the instructor, he then watched has two children went to the ring to go and fine there swords to start to fight, type leaned forward a bit to then eye about to watch there every move, type was a very critical thinking individual, he also wanted to watch how the others moved and how they fought.
Type was also trying to find there strengths and weaknesses, he watched the whole round to find out how that other won to then watch has a few other fights occured, he then stood to he the 5th competitor, to then turn his head to look over the boy who was his opponent, to see he was shaking, type looked him over to then turn his head to eye over his father who sat to the stands to eye over type to narrow his eyes to mouth, you better win, or you are not coming home.
Type gulped to then keep going to head to the ring to then turn to go about and pick out his sword, he then went back to see what this other picked to see he was shaking and bad, type looked over them a bit confused to then take his stance to draw out his sword for the other to then move up his hands in surrender to shake his head.
"I am not going to go against a duungis! I quit;"
Type raised an eye brow to watch them leave to look to the instructor who watched the other leave to go to the stands to sit next to his father who shook his head to slap him against the back of his head.
Type then looked back to to them who took a step forward.
"Given Mr. Gurtio has........ In default duungis, type has won."
Type signed to show he was irritated not to show the was relieved, he then turned to place the sword back to then leave the ring to go back to his seat to smile, he then watched the other competitors, he saw how the other kids moved, how they succeeded and failed, type then straightened up has he heard the naritams name and anothers to then widen his eyes has he saw that boy from the bathroom he teased.
Type flexed his jaw to watch him and the other go up to have no expressions to eye over the other has they both got there swords to take on stances, the instructor went over the rules again to then have them start..
Type looked over this tharn to really eye over.
So he is the prodigy with the sword I've been hearing about. He doesn't seem like much.
Types eyes widened has he saw how this tharn moved and how he strike at the other boy, he moved very fast and was slightly precised.
Type gulped has he watched.
I'm suppose to go against him?
Types stomach then started to hurt has the stress got to him, after only one round, tharn was able to get this other in a way to have him hit the ground to place the sword to his throat, for the instructor to go to them.
Tharn breathed heavily has he looked over this other to then move back to take a stance to keep his sword to his hand, the instructor helped the other up to then announced the winner.
Tharn waited for the other to place there sword away to then place his away to leave the stage to then look over type to narrow his eyes, type widened his eyes a bit has they locked there gaze for type to then look forward to shake his head.
Don't let him in your head!
The instructor then pointed to the children..
"Now you are all to go into a second round tomorrow. This concludes today. You all may leave."
The children stood up to have the people behind them to clap for them to then go to there families for aawut to look to type.
"That is not how I wanted you to win."
Type took in a deep breath.
"Well, at least the naritams didn't know yet my skills."
Aawut rolled his eyes to then look across the room for littiporn to already be looking to him to be standing near his son who was just be eyeing type.
Aawut made a face to then grab type by his wrist to then start to leave and quick.
Littiporn Shook his head to Wrap his arms about himself.
"Coward, always is. Tomorrow his son will fight and you will be watching his every move, do you understand!?"
Tharn nodded to be fuming a bit, that was the kid from earlier who pulled that prank on him, tharn didn't like this kid at all.
"I will father, I will."
Littiporn nodded to then turn with tharn, they both then went to the car for littiporn to be eyeing forward.
"You were okay out there today, you need to be better and faster, you are not going to lose tharn, not at all, also I went through the new moronic rules, after tomorrow, there isn't another competition until next year, all the way until you reach 18, also, I do not care about this, not killing your other opponent, you will be matched with this duungis, and you will kill him, do you understand!"
Tharn took in a deep breathe has he looked out the window to watch things move about.
"I will father, I will."
"Good, then you will take over my gang when your in your mid to late twenties, not before. I'm still young also."
Tharn rolled his eyes has he heard his father start to babble to hate he couldn't see how this other fought.
I hope tomorrow we will be matched together, I can kill you now and make my father proud.
Tharn made a face has he felt conflicted about that, but he just didn't want to draw it out.
He then signed to close his eyes to go into his own little world.

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