forced to deal with it

72 7 15

Has they went about in the car, the two still had there hands to the back of there head has they still felt pain, tharn who sat in front kept checking on type to then flick him in the forehead, he kept trying to fall asleep.
After another hit, type smacked tharns hand away.
"Would you quit!"
Tharn looked him over to then turn about to have a smile type couldn't see to then turn his head to look out the window, the doctor saw that to raise an eye brow to then roll his eyes to go a bit faster, having these two together in this way was not a good thing, the doctor could tell..
Eventually with 4 more head flicks, the car stopped to park, for tharn to then have turned to give him another one for type to hunch himself over to groan.
Tharn couldn't help but to ruthlessly smirk to then smack his lips to come about go stop to have that smirk go away to eye the doctor who was eyeing him.
Tharn rolled his eyes to grab his one sword to the leave the other to the car to then get out, the doctor watched this to then turn to eye over type who then moved himself back to have his eyes closed.. He was very much tired.
"After this, you two are going to stay away from the other!"
Type slowly opened his eyes to furrow his brow to then watch the doctor get out to roll his eyes. Mm you have no idea what we are doing....... It's for the greater good....
Type signed to then get up to leave to follow, has he stumbled, tharn stopped to roll his eyes to then turn to go to him to place an arm about to then follow he doctor with type up on him..
The doctor lead them to an lab to then turn to look back at them to shake his head.
Tharn rolled his eyes at this to then move type to has he had his head hung, with his hand still to the back of his head to groan here and there, every step hurt.
The doctor then opened the door to Lead them through for them to go about, they both followed the doctor to a room where there was an MRI, for him to turn to wrap his arms about.
"I would like Mr. Duungis to go first. I do believe you both have concussions, his a bit more severe then yours."
Tharn nodded to then take type to go to sit to the eye for the doctor to then go forward to lay type down to then place him in, the two then went behind the glass for the doctor to nod has he saw the pictures..
"Indeed he does have a concussion."
Tharn signed.
The doctor then turned to eye him..
"Go get him out then it's your turn."
Tharn looked to the doctor with his eyes widened a bit the doctor raised his hands.
"That boy in there is not solely my responsibility. He is yours, don't tangle yourself with a duungis. Now go."
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then roll to go and do just that, after sliding out tharn went to then widened his eyes to go to type to flick him and hard to the forehead for him to then get up has he had fallen asleep to place two hands to his forehead.
Tharn then picked him up to take him to the doctor to sit to the side to go back to get on the table to be slide back, the doctor eyed that to then look to type who had his head hung to have his hand to the back of it and a hand to his forehead where a light pink mark was forming.
The doctor rolled his eyes to then run tharns tests to see he only had a slight concussion but type had a more severe one, that was due to type really slipping back and hitting his head, unknown to tharn, type saw this coming and somehow placed his arm under his head to lesson the impact to then have moved his arm away.
The doctor then pulled tharn out to then take both boys to a recovery room where there were chairs to then get them ice packs for the back of there heads to then stand to eye type first.
"You have a severe concussion...."
He then turned to eye tharn.
"You have a slight concussion, Mr. Naratamir you can't go to sleep for the next 24 hours....."
The doctor then turned to eye over type.
"Mr. Duungis, you can not go to sleep for the next 48. You need to watch out for vomiting and...."
Type signed has he heard what he had to watch out for too they slowly go to lay down in the chair to keep the over pack to his head, the doctor then turned back to eye tharn who kept his sword to his one hand.
"Take care."
Tharn widened his eyes to then get up to look over the doctors retreating back.
"You aren't...."
The doctor stopped to then turn to eye him.
"I am not taking responsibility for a duungis, and you shouldn't be either. Just..... Walk away." He said quietly.
Tharn made a hard face to then roll his eyes to go back to sit to eye over type who had his eyes closed.
"Where is your honor doctor?"
The doctor signed to then turn to leave.
"Don't let him fall asleep then."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then get up walk to type to eye him over has he was trying to, to then go to him to flick him in the head, type placed a hand to it to groan.
"Would you quit it!"
Tharn couldn't help but to smirk again to then walk back wards with his sword in hand to continue to eye over type who then signed to move himself back up to open his eyes to look to tharn with anger.
Well, this is going to be hell! Type thought has he moved his body to get comfortable.
Has tharn eyed type, for his smirk to go away he was thinking the opposite.
Well this is going to be fun.

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