what is wrong with me?

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Sitting away from the stage, type kept his eyes to the few finalists of this competition, to then peer his eyes to the side to look over tharn who kept his eyes forward with his hood up to be watching over the others has he always did.
Type signed to then turn his head to look back at the stage to grit his teeth.
Why did you have to be here? If you miss even one then you can't be to the final. Just miss one!
Type made a very hard face to then let out a breathe of fresh air has he then stood to go to the stage without tharn being his opponent.
Type went without an expression to gather a sword to then go to his stance to eye over the other who looked to type to gulp.
Type took in a deep breathe before he then striked.
The instructor watched this has he stepped back, for type to strike here and there to go back to give a bit of space, to the audience tharn moved himself a bit forward to narrow his eyes to raise an eye brow to make a face.
Every year type did similar things but new things would pop up. It irritated tharn some what.
Type then went back to keep his sword drawn to look down to breathe heavily has the other looked to him to sign to roll his eyes to move up his hands.
Type then took a stance for the instructor to move forward.
"Mr. Duungis wins, he moves on."
Type watched the other get up to then go down first for type to turn to place his sword back to then go down.
Type sat to his seat to then peer his eyes to that tharn to flex his jaw to then look back.
When it's time, I will defeat you.
Type peered his eyes to furrow his brow in sullen State.
He then widened his eyes a bit to then sleepy lol up has he heard anothers name then tharns.
Type kept his eyes glued to tharn to see him gather his sword to see him take his stance, he then furrowed his brow to see tharn place his sword near his leg to then place his hands to his hoodie to then take it over, to place it to the side to then re gather his sword to take his stance.
Types lips parted has he looked to tharn to feel weird, he couldn't understand it at all.
Last year tharn kept his hoodie on, couldn't see his face, kept it over his head so no one could see him, that's when after the competition type pulled a water prank on him which made him upset but type didn't care, he was also evaluating his anger.
This year, type eyed over tharn has he wore a tank black shirt to show his muscles to his arms, to show how muscular his chest has gotten, type then slowly looked up to see his hair was pulled back a bit by a pony tail and he had it cut underneath.
Type tilted his head has what he was feeling made him very confused.
Type shook his head to grit his teeth to then place his elbows to his legs to really eye this.
Mid way through type raised his eye brow, tharn was doing practically the same moves, he also liked to rush and strike hard, type started to figure out different ways he could defeat him, type made a hard face to then look down.
After a bit, tharn defeat his opponent, to then go sit down, to wait until the next competition, to peer his eyes to eye over type to narrow a bit.
Type was hunched over a bit to be eyeing the floor, tharn rolled his eyes to then look forward..
This kid better not be thinking of pulling another moronic prank. This year I am not going to let it go!
Tharn curled his hands into fists to either side of himself, has the years went by for him, his anger grew and his non talkative behavior, tharn became a loner to also over work himself for this competition. He was going to kill this boy if they were going to be paired when they were 18 and how things were going tharn knew this was going to happen. He would rather kill this boy who annoyed the living shit out of him then keep him alive for his father to do worse.
After the competition, they all got up to be to the stage to line up to look forward for type to then slowly widened his eyes has a thought went through his head to then groan to peer his eyes to tharn who kept looking forward for type to then eye forward to roll his eyes.
Well.... At least I can try.
Once the instructor talked, they went to there families for type to look over his father who was to his phone to then peer his eyes to the side to see tharn walking with his father to then watch them stop for tharn to say something to him to then go towards the bathroom, type then looked to his father to eye him to then turn to go.
Relieving himself, tharn was to the sink to be washing his hands to then slowly eye up to widen his eyes to make a hard face to then look down to shake his head.
Tharn then shut off the water to go to the towels to wipe away the water from his hands to then raise an eye brow, he then turned slowly to eye over type.
"Excuse me?"
Type took in a very deep breathe to wrap his arms about himself to continue to eye over tharn.
"I said, I know we are.... Enemies..... However knowing things about your father and mine, there not going to have us follow the rules, right?"
Tharn raised an eye brow but said nothing. Type took in a deep breathe to step forward.
"I.... Have an idea..... For us both to win at the end."
Tharn looked over type a bit confused.
Type took in a deep breathe.

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