finally meet

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Darting his eyes, types heart was pounding in his chest has he was to the back with his father to his side, he was looking about to eye the competition, type took in deep breathes to control himself, especially when he was with his father to then make a face.
There were a lot of gangs there, type counted about 20 children he would have to defeat to get to the final round.
Type then turned his head to look up.
"Father? I need to go to the bathroom."
Aawut signed to then wrap his arms about himself.
"You need to hurry, need to be here to see those naritams."
Type looked over his father to then nod to turn to go and find a bathroom, he went in to go straight to a stall to lock himself in to place his body to one to grit his teeth. Type really didn't want to be there, he wanted to only practice sword for the art of it, not the other way around, type didn't want to hurt or have to kill anyone.
Type then slide down to place his legs to his chest to place his hands to his ears to groan a bit with his eyes closed tightly.
He then signed has he heard knocking to the stall door, he opened his eyes to move his hands away to eye over it.
They stopped knocking to then do it again.
"Ugh! Can't you hear, occupied!" Type said slowly and loudly.
They then knocked with a pounding force.
Type quickly got up to then unlock in a rush.
"There are other stalls then this one you asshole!"
Type opened the door to have it open to eye up just a bit to look over another boy who seemed to be about his age, type looked him over to see no expression, other then maybe anger.
Type took in a deep breathe to wrap his arms about himself.
"There are four other stalls and.... Hey!"
The other placed there hand to his arm to pull type out to turn him for type to see the others were taken.
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look down to see this other still had there hand to his arm, type quickly took it back to them walk about to go to the sink to wash his hands to eye down.
"Even if there were no others you could have waited for me to....."
Type turned a bit to hear a light click to see the other went into the bathroom stall. Type rolled his eyes to turn his head back to look down to wash his hands and fast to then grab a towel after he turned off the water, to then stop to eye over the towel, he then looked up to see there was an opening, he raised his eye brow to then smirk, he turned back to the sink to get the towel very wet to go back to then toss it up to head a "ugh" sound to then leave laughing.
That's what you get for being a real jerk.
Type left confidentially, to then start to play with his fingers has he went about, the day started to sink in again, he then took in a very deep breathe to place his hands down to then go about to head straight back to his father to look about with a face.
After some time, there were all needed to move about to go to an area where the head person of this event went on stage to then start to speak.
"The annual sword competition for gang affiliate sons of the age of ten is to begin. We have 30 contests. Now, we have been doing things a bit differently."
Aawut raised an eye brow.
"So, today every one will compete for a few to go home, the others that stay need to keep coming back every year, my the age of 18 is when there will only be two. Also the biggest difference of previous competitions, no one is going to die."
Aawut widened his eyes to then scoff, type couldn't help but to smile a bit.
Aawut then stood for the speaker to then eye.
"So what happens then?"
"Two will fight, then the one who wins can take over the other person's gang. Now I know a few of you old school gangs like the killing of children, well maybe of us don't, there was a vote and we are not going to do that any more. Thus why the children will wait until they are 18 to really fight the other competitor."
Aawut rolled his eyes to then sit down to wrap his arms about himself.
"This is plan stupidity"
He muttered under his breathe.
Type rolled his eyes at his father to they move forward a bit to listen to the rules and regulations, he then other children had to get up to then walk on stage for them to see who they were going to fight and such.
Type then was lined up with the others to then move his head forward to look down the line to hear the speaker address each person, by the end of the line type widened his eyes has tharn from the naritams was addressed, type made a hard face has he was the kid who was in the bathroom with him.
Type moved back to grit his teeth to shake his head.
Well that just figures right. Ugh!
The speaker then took a step forward to eye over the gang members to take in a deep breathe.
"We all must follow the rules, any cheating will not be tolerated."
He then looked to aawut to then look about the audience to littiporn. He then took a deep breathe to turn to lower the mic to look over all the children.
"We will now begin. Everyone go to the side your names are with the person you will fight first."
Type made a face to then go to the board to take in deep breathes.
Let's go then!

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