quite the surprise

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2 months after the competition, type was to his family dojo, that was to the basement to be sparring with another to learn additional moves, to then duck when he was not suppose too to then laid straight to the floor.
The other looked over type with a face to then turn his head to look over aawut who raised an eye brow to motion with his head for the other to keep going, has type weathered on the floor a bit.
The other signed to then turn there head back to go to type who then grabbed them by there ankle to have them hit the floor and heard to render them unconscious, type laid with his cheek to the floor to breathe heavily, that blow they gave him to his stomach really hurt him.
Aawut couldn't help but to smile to then start to clap has he was near.
"Good. Your getting better."
Type rolled his eyes to then smack his lips a bit to then slowly get up to sit to place a hand to his stomach to then eye over the other who was to there back to be breathing in and out shallow.
Aawut went right passed to go to the side to eye over type.
"I think with a few more lessons you will be a pro in no time."
Type peered his eyes to the floor to nod.
Aawut looked over type to then eye the other.
"You've been at this for the last 8 hours, go eat and sleep. Will start again at 6am."
Type signed to then get up slowly to take one last look at his opponent to then go to his room, type kept his hand to his stomach to grit his teeth, he didn't want to have done that.
Type really didn't like to hurt people the way he had been hurt by being in this gang and by his father.
Going about, he went to the hallway to where his room was, he stopped to look up to maybe a face, he rolled his eyes to then turn to leave, he was going to go to the yard for some air.
Leaving the house, type went has far has he could, to then sit in one of the chairs that over looked a small pond to then eye over it to sign here and there, he then quickly got up to dart his eyes about, type heard movement.
Type took in a deep breathe to take a small step forward.
Type kept looking about to take steps about to see no one in the semi dark atmosphere, to dart his eyes about to then make a face.
Shrugging he then turned to jump back a bit to see tharn, sitting Criss Cross to the ground to be eyeing over the pound with a hoodie over his head.
Type widened his eyes a bit to then turn to look about to then eye him once more.
How in the hell did he get in here without any one seeing him?
"Um..... How did you...."
Type raised an eye brow has tharn raised his hand to have some surveillance cameras he had taken down to have then swing his grasp.
Type went forward to gather them to eye..
Tharn placed his hand down to continue to look at the pound to eye over the fish, they didn't have anything like this to his home, he liked it, felt tranquil.
Tharn then took in a deep breathe.
"How..... Would this work?"
Type widened his eyes once more to then slowly look to tharn, he was surprised he actually talked.
"Um..... Well, we would have to keep this a secret and....."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Well, no shit Sherlock."
Type narrowed his eyes to then take in a deep breathe to start again.
"We.... Could meet somewhere that no one would think to look for us and..... Start to spar with the other."
Tharn then placed his elbows to his legs to place his hands under his chin to keep looking to the pond.
"For how long?"
"Couple hours a day. Until we get a few things down."
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
We do this, I'll learn what I need too from him to then kill, it's better this way.
Type kept looking to tharn who didn't move to make a face to then go forward to place the cameras he held to the chair to stand behind it to keep his eyes to tharn.
Tharn straightened up.
"Would we have to keep doing this for two years? Until the final?"
Type darted his eyes over tharn.
"Until we know enough. We just need to end this in a tie, no one gets really hurt. We just give them a good show then we can start to repair."
Tharn flexed his jaw.
I don't know if your father killed my mother or not, don't really trust what my father says, and I don't know the rumors I've been told that my father killed your mother, but there is no repairing, this needs to end with us.
Type kept his eyes over tharn to grip at the back of the chair a bit.
"Mr. naritam? Deal?"
Tharn signed has this impatient kid didn't want to really give him a moment to think to then get up to keep his eyes to the pond to place his hands inside his hoodie.
"If we start this, do not call me Mr. Naritam."
Tharn then turned to start to leave, type raised an eye brow to continue to watch him..
"What should I call you?"
Tharn stopped to dart his eyes.
Type then watched tharn continue to leave to sign.
"So.....is that a yes?"
Type made a hard face has tharn continued to leave for him not to be able to see him anymore.
Type took a step forward to dart his eyes about.
"Is that a no!?"
Type signed at the empty darkness to then turn his head to look down to the cameras to make a face.
Guess, will just have to play the waiting game.

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