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Walking back to his house, type went straight to his room to then lay to his back to dart his eyes over the ceiling to be lost.
Why...... Why did he do that again? Why..... Why didn't I stop it! That part is not to be touched!
Type took in a very deep breathe to then get up to go to his bathroom to go straight to the shower after he took off his clothes to place his forehead to the wall to have the water go down his back to dart his eyes to be very confused.
He couldn't understand why tharn touched him like that again, they were suppose to be training, not suppose to be doing that. Type then peered his eyes to the side to make a hard face has what tharn said when through his mind.
Is this...... Really helping with the pain? I know him and I carry emotional pain given our lives, is this...... Helping that?
Type shook his head to then turn to his back to wrap his arms and himself to take in a deep breathe to let it out slowly.
I'm not going to meet up with him tomorrow. This can not keep happening, this is a very dangerous situation. Us training is bad, this is worse, if our father's caught us......
Type turned his head to furrow his brow.
The meetup need to end, I'm not going tomorrow.
Type squeezed his eyes shut to sign.
The next night, tharn was to the address he had sent to type a few hours previously, to be sitting down, to have his sword to his lap, to have his hands cupped before his head to be looking at the only entry to start to be engrossed with anger, he then rolled his eyes to then unwrap his hands to then take one to his back pocket to pull out his phone to see it was two hours after the agreed time, tharn narrowed his eyes to then open the text messages to have his thumbs linger over to make a hard face.
Should I text him? He is two hours late, did he get caught? If so my father would be here, things spread very quick.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then text.
Tharn: your late.
He then darted his eyes to look at the time has it grew to then narrow his eyes, he was not always a very patience person, he started to grow irritable.
He then widened his eyes a bit to then stand to furrow his brow in anger.
Type: I'm not coming. The training sessions are over, I'm blocking you from this phone.
Tharn then tried to call him to make a very hard face.
He then took the phone away to find out type was serious, has he did block him.
Tharn shook his head to then place his phone back to his pocket to go forth, he was not having that.
Outside to the garden, type blocked tharn to then place his phone to his back pocket to then relax into the chair to eye over the lit up pond to eye over.
I think I have learned enough about him that when we are 18 and have to fight it won't lead to the other killing, just have to stay away, I can't let him touch me like that again, it's against our...... Well I can't.....ugh! This is confusing me so fucking much!
Type then moved about to place his feet down to place his elbows to his legs to have his hands to his head to look to the grass to sign here and there.
We are done, no more meeting up, no more training and no more of that other shit!
Type took in deep breathes to try to relax to then eye down even more confused has he saw shoes, he then moved his hands to slowly move back to then eye up to widen his eyes to part his lips has he was looking over a very angry looking to tharn.
"Um..... What are y....... Hey!"
Tharn placed his hand to types wrist to then pull him has they were a little bit opened at that moment to then take type to where they could be a bit more secluded, taking type to the edge of his family's estate, he started to take him through a tunnel to then go about a corner for type to plant his feet to then take his wrist away for tharn to turn to eye over type who hung his head a bit to have a hand to his wrist to rub.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Such a baby.
Type signed to keep rubbing.
"Why are you here?"
Tharn wrapped his arms about himself..
"You don't get to decide, on your own, were done."
Type signed and hard to then move his hands down to eye over him.
"Why continue? I think you and I have learned enough, let's just make a pact, when we have to fight the other, if we're the last two, we don't kill the other. Yes? Then there you go."
Type tried to turn for tharn to move and quick about to stare him down, type took a step back has he knew there closeness was not a good thing.
"What now?"
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
The silence then surrounded them for type to dart his eyes over tharn to then shrug his shoulders.
"God, what! You need to talk and....."
Tharn then placed a hand to types chest to then push him to the wall, for type to place his two hands to his wrist to then grunt a bit has tharn placed him a bit rough to the wall.
"You dragged me into this."
Type flexed his jaw.
"Well, I'm un dragging."
Tharn raised an eye brow..
"You do not have the authority to just do such a thing."
"Yes I do, I started it, I can end it. It's over, now let go and...."
Types eyes widened to start to breathe shallowly has tharn had tilted his head to place his mouth to his to get the boy to be quiet, type kept his eyes opened to dart to be overwhelmed with confusement.
Tharn then moved his mouth just a bit over types to then move his head back to open his eyes to dart them over types lips to be confused with himself to then go to his ear..
"It would be a wise thing for you to unblock me and to meet me tomorrow at another place, if not, I will make your life more of a living hell, just try me!"
Tharn then moved his head back to look over type.
"Have I made things clear?"
Type gulped to grit his teeth.
Tharn looked type up and down to then shove him against the wall and hard to show him more of his strength to then step back to turn to then leave, type placed his hands to the wall to turn his head to watch him leave to breathe heavily to place a hand to his forehead.
What the fucking hell was that!

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