wouldn't let it define me

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Almost being beaten to death for his defiance and letting the nanny go, type was brought in to be lightly tossed to his stomach to his bed for him to groan and wince, his father then slowly strolled in with his arms wrapped about himself to eye over.
"You deserved that and more for your insulated behavior."
Type turned his head to the other side to have a hard face.
"Please.... Leave me alone."
"Where did she go?"
"Hopefully.... Far away "
Aawut then went to sit to the side of the bed to look over type without an expression.
"I need to know where she went."
"I.... Didn't...mmm.... Ask "
Aawut signed to then turn his head to look to the wall.
"Guess I'll have to hunt her down. She knows to many things."
Type signed to then turn his head the other way to make a very hard and strained face.
"If.... Anything happens to her and I find out, no more swords. I.....nnn...quit."
Aawut looked to type with an widen brow.
"Mm, guess you are starting to grow a sack. Type, she knows too much of what happens in this gang. She needs to come back."
"We both know she'll stay quiet, please Dad..... Leave her alone."
Aawut signed has he looked over his son.
"You have idealized way to much, she is not your mother."
"She's the closest I have. Please!"
Aawut looked over type to then make a face.
"I will find her, I'll compromise with you, she won't be brought back, she won't be killed, depending of course if she talks, I'll leave her be type, on one condition, you continue your lessons with the sword and beat the living shit out of the naritams son and win every single competition."
Type took in a very deep inhale to eye over him to give a stiff nod.
Aawut looked over his son to make a considering face.
"Since you are growing, we need to go over a few rules."
Type made a confused face to widen his eyes has his father discussed a lot of things to then grow in embarrassment to turn his head to look to the wall.
Aawut eyed over his son.
"Do you understand?"
"I do but..... Confused..... Especially with what I saw what you were doing with...."
"I am different, when you take over this gang, you can do what you want, until then you need to follow all those rules if not, I might just have to take your head."
Type gulped and hard.
"I.... Understand...."
"Good. Now you need to rest and get better, your lessons will start in two weeks."
Aawut then got up to start to leave to then stop to look back to eye over his son.
"I honestly don't care."
Type signed and hard, to move his forehead to the bed to hear his door closed to have his chin quiver he didn't want to cry.
Type then shuffled sorely to his side to eye the other wall to think.
I really hope you got far away from here, I really hope my father keeps his word, I don't really trust him.
Type then made another face to then place his hands to his ears to shake his head.
Why did my father have to have that other conversation with me? I don't even do that, I also don't want to ever have.....I don't want to ever get close to anyone! Ever! I don't want the love I have for a person to get them hurt.
Type slowly took his hands from his ears to then go to his back to look to the ceiling to take in painful breaths, those others really hurt him and didn't care that he was the bosses child or he was just a kid.
Type closed his eyes to take in very deep breathes.
When I become the boss, I am going to change so many rules, I am going to have new people come in, to be more compassionate to everyone, I also will never ever do what my dad did to my nanny, I will make sure my gang will be more gentle, understanding and loyal.
Type winced again has he breathed, to then slowly open his eyes to think of a mother he never knew and always wanted.
He slowly went to his side to look back at the wall to dart his eyes about.
What were you like Mom? Why did you get into a relationship with my father? We're you two in love? How long did we get to be together before you were killed by....
Types face started to pucker to hate the leader of the naritams. He was the man he wanted to kill the most in the world, his father was a close second.
Type then closed his eyes to take in deep breathes to continue to think.
I have to win every competition and defeat the son of the man who killed my mother. I've heard things about him, he has great skills like me, can handle himself, how am I going to defeat him? I need to make sure I keep up with my end to this, I don't want any harm to come to my nanny, she has always been there, is like a mother to me. I want her to be free. Will that even happen? How can I possibly know that?
Type signed.
Is my father just saying these things to appease me? To make me settle down and do what he asks? I need to find someone here to be my eyes and ears, I know no one wants to go against my father but once day, Rather I want it or not, this gang will be mine, I need to get someone to help me. Being my father's son, is a difficulty to this..... No one even wants to help me or be my friend......I just have to try harder.
Type then placed his hands into fists.
I will never ever become like my father ever! I will do what I must to make sure my nanny is safe!
Type signed and hard.
I won't let my father define who I am.
Type nodded to then start to drift to sleep with thoughts going in his mind.

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