Ninja's at the beach again

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At beach, Zalona was in her true form, smiling lightly at seeing Rukia playing the water, having decide to come to a beach as the two onis haven't been to one in a while.

At beach, Zalona was in her true form, smiling lightly at seeing Rukia playing the water, having decide to come to a beach as the two onis haven't been to one in a while

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Zalona: *her tail would wagged around* It's been a millennium since I was on a beach. *stretched her arms*

The oni glance behind her to see Zora walking towards her with a watermelon.

The one arm samurai had toss the watermelon up in the air, pulling her sword slightly out with the watermelon burst into multiple pieces for her and her group as Zalona had her tail wrap around one

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The one arm samurai had toss the watermelon up in the air, pulling her sword slightly out with the watermelon burst into multiple pieces for her and her group as Zalona had her tail wrap around one.

Zalona: *had took a small bit of her melon and spit out a seed* You're not going to swim?

Zalona: *sat down beside the oni* Don't really like to go into the wa-

The one arm samurai was splashed by someone and glare over to see Konan and Rukia with the blond oni quickly pointing at the heterochromia kunoichi.

Zora: *had a ticked off mark and stood up* I change my mind. *start walking towards the two female, scaring Rukia who would hid behind Ryu.

Zalona smirked mischievous with her tail moving over towards the female samurai's bra and snatched it off, making the female samurai squeal in embrassment and snap towards the taller oni who had took off with her bra with one arm female shielding her expose breasts and chase after her.

Momiji: *was watching them with her smiling slightly while fishing* Everyone having a good time.

The head kunoichi look to right slightly at Mina who was fishing next to her while noticing the expression on her face.

Momiji: *turn back to the ocean* What seem to be troubling you, Mina?

The pink hair kunoichi flinched at this with her look to the side.

Mina: *let out a sigh and stare at the ocean* Remember when you save those six years ago?

Momiji: *nods with a slight frown* Yes.

Mina: *grips her fishing rod a bit* And that arrow that stab your had a unknown liquid in it that made you unable to have a children.

The purple hair woman stay silent at this, seeing a few tears fall down the pink hair female's face as the younger kunoichi had know how much the head kunoichi had want a child at the time.

Momiji: *reach over and patted the younger female, having a small smile* No need to cry, Mina. It's not your  fault.

Mina: *had look up at her* But I kept it from you all these years.

Momiji: *closed her eyes* But you finally told me now.  *open her eyes and glance over at the other ninjas* Beside, I have you all to watch grow up so I already got my wish.

Mina stare at her at this as the head kunoichi felt a tug on her line and quickly pulled only to see it was Gura with the head kunoichi letting out a small sigh along with the shark girl giving her a small apologetic smile.

Meanwhile, with Mokiji
In a hidden hideout, Mokiji was staring at herself in the mirror, seeing how her body was changing.

Meanwhile, with MokijiIn a hidden hideout, Mokiji was staring at herself in the mirror, seeing how her body was changing

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Mokiji: *had held her breasts* They have been growing ever since I saw that kunoichi. *sweatdrop to herself* I really don't want chest likes hers. They'll get in the way of my training.

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