Tina's 'small' problem

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Tina tugged at her skirt a few times, grumbling to herself as her twin and Esdese look at her as the meaner twin had a bit of a problem.

Tina tugged at her skirt a few times, grumbling to herself as her twin and Esdese look at her as the meaner twin had a bit of a problem

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Tina: *had an annoyed expression that her butt was exposed* This is the fifth time in one week.

Esdese: *had chuckle towards the meaner twin* I told you to stop working out so much. Especially doing squats.

Tanya: *nods in agreement with their ice user friend* She's right. Me and Mom told you stop eating sweets after your workout.

Tina: *rubs the back of her head and mumbled to herself* I better not get arrested for this.

Delia fidget lightly, wanting to say something to cheer up the meaner twin but didn't know what to say.

Delia: *had close her eyes* C-Cheer up, Tina! I'm sure most people doesn't mind a big butt.

The meaner twin turn to her with a slight annoyed look that made the shy female flinched while Esdese snickered at her trying to help.

Meanwhile, at the tiger cafe
Jasper, her sister, Sanat and Ina look at Kitten who was in a bunnysuit

Kitten: *her tail wag around along with a small smile* How do I look with this on?

Tigress: *sweatdrop a bit at looking at the heterochromia cat girl's breasts* I know you had huge tits but god damn. I know it's tight around your tits.

Sanat: *had adjusted her glasses* You look good though you need a bigger suit your boobs. Your nipples are almost showing.

Jasper: *sweatdrops to herself* Thank god we're not busy or have any customers. We'll definitely get an sexual harassment flee.

The heterochromia cat girl sweatdrop to herself at this while Ina stay silent unsure if she should say anything to the cat girl.

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