Mari give Ryu the dragon sword

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Mari was checking her sword for a moment out and glance over at Shay and Ryu talking with the dark skin female thinking of where her sword was from and decide it was right to give him the sword.

Mari: *got up and walk over to the two males* Ryu.

The shinobi would look over at her and notice the sword she was offering to him.

Mari: *give him a close eye smile* Here you go. It's technically your sword. *let out a small chuckle* It's in perfect condition too.

The redhead shinobi was about to decline her offer since he really didn't want it despite it being a legendary sword among his clan but saw that dark skin female wasn't taking no as an answer in her eyes.

Ryu: *had a small sweatdrop but had a small smile towards * Thanks, Mari.

He took the sword and would unsheathe it a bit and  felt it suddenly pulsing at his touch with him blinking a few times at seeing his surroundings was completely white space area.

He took the sword and would unsheathe it a bit and  felt it suddenly pulsing at his touch with him blinking a few times at seeing his surroundings was completely white space area

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???: *had tilted her head at seeing the redhead and spoke in emotionless tone* You must be my master.

The redhead ninja stare at the mysterious female, having figuring  out who she might be.

Meanwhile, at the vampire kingdom
Cinder was staring up at Salem, having been awaken by the chaotic vampire's shadow and notice the outfit the vampire was wearing.

Meanwhile, at the vampire kingdomCinder was staring up at Salem, having been awaken by the chaotic vampire's shadow and notice the outfit the vampire was wearing

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Salem: *held a peace sign with a small smile* So what do you think? Pretty good outfit huh?

Cinder: *shrugs her shoulder* It's looks okay.

The blond vampire shortstack pout lightly at this and shook her head at this.

Cinder: *had closed one eye with a light smirk* But it kinda suits you.

The blond hair female only roll her eyes at her respone though it did make her smile.

At Drago house
Laxus and Kisame would be playing the game with each other as the dragon girl would notice the shark girl twitching slightly that made her rise a brow until noticing the hickey on her stomach.

Laxus: *had let out a small chuckle* He got to you huh?

Kisame: *growl lightly at the the orange hair dragon girl* More like he force me.

The shark girl rise a brow at hearing something break beside her and look over at her best friend.

Laxus: *had a ticked off mark while holding pieces of the broken controller* I see.

Kisame: *had a smug smirk as she use to her advantage as she would win the match* But it wasn't too bad.

Laxus would pulled the shark girl's cheek for cheating with the shorter female yelling at her angrily.

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