Annie's bounty hunter

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In the night, Annie was doing a small patrol, noticing that the town didn't really have any protective.

Annie: *thoughts while standing on top of a building* There's not much outside a few monster attack.

The blond hair female pull her sword out, deflecting a bullet that sent at her.

Annie: *thoughts while quickly scanning around* I figured she sent Something after me.

The blond female deflect another bullet and quickly went to hide behind a building and peek out a bit, trying to see if she could find her attacker's location and saw a glint with her leaning back as another pierce where she was

Annie: *had quickly start to move back further into cover* She has to be someone from the same realm as me. I'll get her in her blind spot.

In a building, Poi had a smile to herself as she lean back from her scope.

Poi: *had stood up and place her sniper on her back and hum to herself* I don't think she mention  kill or capture her

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Poi: *had stood up and place her sniper on her back and hum to herself* I don't think she mention  kill or capture her. *shrugs her shoulders* Let's make this quick. I got a new home to go to.

She would jump to another building while switching her scope to x-ray vision along with a thermal vision as well and fired another shot that pierce her target's shoulder through a building, drawing blood from her.

Annie: *scoff lightly and rolled down, dodging another bullet and start running across the streets, using a few building for cover along with her sword to deflect whenever she was in the open* Must be using x-ray vision to see through walls. If she has that, she must also have thermal too.

The blond hair female had an idea as two mini ki blasts form in both her hands and slammed them together, causing a flashbang along with a large amount of smoke that blinded Poi who pulled back from her scope by the flashbang though in a split second she recovered and aim her sniper, seeing the blond female through the smoke as she sense a large amount of chakra

Poi: *had a smirk at seeing the female was coming towards her way, using the smoke* Not a bad trick but too bad I can switch my scope.

She fired at the blond female, pierce her through the chest with her grin for a second then realise that there was no blood and realized it was a clone and spinned but would stabbed in the side from the right by the real Annie who had use the split second to create a clone during the flashbang and put a large amount of chakra into her feet to instantly behind the redhead sniper.

Poi: *thoughts and move to hit her with her elbow* Damn, she got my ass.

Annie caught her elbow, and flip over on her back, pinning her down and stare down at her.

At the mansion
Zya cracked one eye open having sense a brief power rise for a split econd that made her rise a brow.

Zya: *sat up and stretch her arms* Seem like we may got a lead. *had sent a telepathy link to Nagoto and Tayuya* Think I might have find a starting point.

She cut off her link to the two females and look over at Izuma and Shion along with her sister.

Zya: *had beckon her hand towards the door* Let's get a move. *stopped briefly and look back at the three females* I need to you three to trust me when we find her.

Wya tilted her head in confusion at this but nodded while Izuma and Shion share a look with each other.

Izuma and Shion: *sharing their thoughts* Let's hope a fight don't break between the two.

The four female walk outside and follow behind the lazy girl.

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