Sora's new appearance

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Sora sat up from her bed, stretching her arms and got out of bed, heading to bathroom, brushing her teeth and stop at seeing herself in the mirror.

Sora sat up from her bed, stretching her arms and got out of bed, heading to bathroom, brushing her teeth and stop at seeing herself in the mirror

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Sora: *had blink a few times with a confuse look* Is that me? *touch her hair* Why did my hair change along with the veins across my body?

She look down at her hands with her noticing that she wasn't emtionless as she usually was and look back at the mirror, seeing Yoriyoi.

Yoriyoi: *had her arms cross while leaning against the doorway* Fascinating. You change..*put her hand under her chin with a intrigued look* I wasn't expecting this.

The former emotionless girl heard her and didn't say anything to her while wonder if she should show herself to her sisters and mother her new appearance.

Near Zya's room
Wya peek into her sister's room, with a worried look for her sister as they didn't manage to find Annie nor has the lazy girl hasn't been sleeping since their friend leaving as Zya turn to her.

Near Zya's roomWya peek into her sister's room, with a worried look for her sister as they didn't manage to find Annie nor has the lazy girl hasn't been sleeping since their friend leaving as Zya turn to her

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Zya: *had her hand on lower lip with her nearly empty eyes and stare at the ribbon band female* Yeah Wya? You need something?

Wya: *flinched slightly at her eyes and look away from her for the moment and shook her head* Nothing. Just checking up on seeing you how are doing.

Zya: *turn away from the ribbon girl, smiling lightly* I'm doing alright.

The ribbon girl nodded in respone while still a bit worried about her and turn away from her.

Wya: *thoughts while putting her hand on her chest* I hope we find Annie soon. *tighten her hand on her chest* I haven't seen her with that look in a while.

The ribbon girl had brief flashback of her sister, the lazy girl covered in blood with those empty eyes as she  shook her head as a shiver across her body from that memory.

Meanwhile, with Annie
Annie let out a small sigh to herself, having finished retraining herself with her sword.

Annie: *felt the wind blow against her cape and hair and stare her sword* Memories of me being a sword fighter is coming back to me

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Annie: *felt the wind blow against her cape and hair and stare her sword* Memories of me being a sword fighter is coming back to me. *looks up at the sky* I wonder how the others are doing without me. *looks in front of her, a few cut trees laying down on the ground* Pretty sure Oden is mad at me.

The blond hair woman let out another sigh and went back to training.

With Britana
In a forest Britana look at Kanna who was sitting a tall grass with the pink gray hair having a warm smile across her lips.

With BritanaIn a forest Britana look at Kanna who was sitting a tall grass with the pink gray hair having a warm smile across her lips

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Kanna: *smile turn to the dark elf while a butterfly was on her finger* What a beautiful spot you found.

The dark elf nodded in respone while a few butterflies flying around her with her smiling back at the younger girl, glad that she like the spot.

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