Chapter 25

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The past few months have been a whirlwind of world tours, guest appearances, shows, interviews, and more. While those projects are completed, many more are lined up for us.

Today, I finally had some free time after months of hard work, and I decided to spend it with my family and my best friend, Jane.

I was sitting in a café, waiting for Jane to arrive, when my phone buzzed on the table.

Mommy 🥧
Baby, are you with your friend now? Have fun, you guys. Take this chance to make as many memories as you can. Just text me if you need anything. Bye, take care. I love you.

Her message melted my heart. She was such a sweet and understanding girlfriend, always respecting my private time with friends and myself.

I've always been a submissive girlfriend, following whatever my partner tells me out of respect and love. But Faye is different. She always ensures our relationship is a two-way process.

She wouldn't make a decision without my agreement, and I did the same. Our relationship, now almost a year old, felt ideal. Yes, we had our quarrels, but she always made sure to resolve them before the day ended.

Neither of us wanted to let misunderstandings fester, knowing they could lead to bigger problems. We were committed to keeping our relationship healthy and strong.

Smiling like an idiot, I typed out a message to her.

Not yet, babe. I'm still waiting at the café. You should enjoy yourself with your friends as well, have fun. I love you more.

I was surprised when she replied immediately.

Mommy 🥧
I'm here at amor, love. I'd rather spend my time making money than goofing around. I want to provide everything for our future kids.

I laughed at her last message. She adored kids and was already planning the names for our 'future kids.'

We continued our nonsensical banter while I sat laughing to myself at the table. Some people glanced at me as if I was the weirdest person they ever encountered, but I paid them no mind.

'Find someone who can make you insanely happy just by thinking about them'

"You're clearly smitten," a familiar voice interrupted. Startled, I looked up to find Jane sitting across from me, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" I hastily lowered my phone and straightened up.

"Hello, I've been here for almost five minutes, and you didn't even notice. You were completely absorbed in your phone, giggling like a fool," she teased, a hint of joy in her voice.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, my brow furrowing.

"Nothing at all. I'm just happy to see my friend genuinely happy with someone she loves. I haven't seen you this happy since... well, you know," she trailed off, alluding to my past relationships. Jane had seen me at my lowest points, and I was grateful to have such a supportive friend by my side.

"Does it really show?" I asked, scrutinizing my reflection on my phone screen.

"Absolutely!" Jane exclaimed with exaggerated enthusiasm. "I mean, after watching your series, I totally get why your fans go crazy, especially over that love scene! Oh my goddddd, it was top-notch!" She fanned herself dramatically as she recounted, full of exaggeration.

"Was it good? What was it like? I could tell she's a really good kisser," Jane continued, her blunt questions making me blush.

"Could you not?! It's part of our show, okay? But yeah, it was good," I replied, feeling a flush of embarrassment as some customers glanced at us strangely. I could practically feel the secondhand embarrassment.

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