Chapter 26

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NA: I had planned to update this tomorrow, but I couldn't wait any longer—I'm so excited about this chapter! So, here it is! Enjoy, everyone!






These were just a few of the emotions surging through me. I stared blankly at my phone, unable to process what I had just discovered.

My body trembled from the erupting tension. This was too much for me to handle. I didn't understand.

What did I do wrong?

Was I not enough?

Was I not pretty enough?


I cried hysterically as I looked at the article.

How could a normal day turn into this in the snap of a finger?

I was just scrolling through my social media when a viral article caught my attention, shattering everything I had built with the person I love.

I couldn't move, paralyzed by the sight of the picture circulating online. No, I refused to believe it. The article claimed that Faye was in a relationship with another girl. There was a blurry photo attached, showing Faye kissing someone. Though the faces were obscured, the figures were clear: a girl lying on a sofa and another girl on top of her. I knew it was Faye.

Summoning all my strength, I stood up and ran towards the elevator, desperate to find an explanation. I called Faye repeatedly, but she didn't answer. Each call was met with silence, heightening my anxiety.

It had been months since we both took on separate projects. She was endorsing a renowned jewelry brand while I was promoting a well-known line of bags and accessories. Our busy schedules meant we rarely spoke, even over the phone. We only exchanged brief updates and casual questions to stay in touch, but there were no meaningful conversations.

We were accustomed to this kind of setup. Both of us were responsible enough, and I knew the trust and bond we shared was immeasurable. But why did this article exist?

Why was she kissing another girl?

"Please, Mommy, please tell me it isn't true," I chanted, trying to soothe the growing tension in my heart.

I was breaking again. I could feel my heart slowly tearing apart.

"Pick up the call!" I shouted hysterically, repeatedly pressing the elevator buttons.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator finally reached the ground floor. I wasted no time and dashed through the lobby like a madman. I was running as fast as I could when I bumped into someone.

We both fell from the sudden collision. Ready to confront whoever it was, I was shocked to see P'Wan looking worried.

"Yoko, where are you going?" she asked, reaching for me.

"I'll answer that later, P'Wan. I'm really in a rush," I said, trying to run again, but she held me tightly, stopping me.

"Yoko, you're not in the right state to go out," P'Wan said firmly, but I ignored her and tried to push forward.

"If you're looking for Faye, I know where she is!" Her words immediately got my attention, and a flicker of hope ignited within me. Maybe I could finally hear her explanation and prove that the article wasn't true.

"Where is she?" I asked, desperate.

"You have to calm down first, please," she said, her voice gentle but worried.

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