Chapter 33

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I woke with a pounding headache, my hand instinctively reaching for my throbbing temples. As my eyes scanned the room, the familiar surroundings of my penthouse reassured me that I was safely home. A sigh of relief escaped me, only to be interrupted by the creak of the door.

There she stood, unexpectedly early in the morning, carrying a tray of food with a wide smile that hinted at a secret she seemed eager to share. Memories flooded back from the previous night, starting from our unexpected encounter in the ballroom to the more intimate moments that followed in this very bed where I now lay.

"Oh God," I exclaimed, the realization hitting me like a freight train. I glanced at Faye, who was watching me with a mix of amusement and apprehension. In different circumstances, I might have chuckled at her expression.

"Did I really...did it with her again?" I wondered aloud, my gaze darting down to find myself dressed in pink pajamas under the comforter. A slight sting in my lower abdomen confirmed that something significant had indeed happened between us.

I woke up with a jolt, my head pounding with a relentless ache. "Oh, God, what did I just do?" I muttered, frustration and embarrassment flooding through me. My hands clenched into fists, and I unleashed my pent-up emotions on the innocent pillow beside me.

When the outburst subsided, I turned my sharp gaze towards the person who had caused my turmoil. Faye stood near the coffee table, placing a tray down with a tentative air, clearly bracing herself for my reaction.

"Get out!" I snapped, the words cutting through the air like a knife. She stumbled, nearly tripping over the carpet as she hurried out of my room.

I paced back and forth, grappling with the chaos of my thoughts. "What have I done?" I muttered under my breath, regret and confusion gnawing at me.

Summoning my resolve, I finally pushed myself to stand, wincing as I felt the soreness in my body. Limping slightly, I made my way to the bathroom, my mind racing with disbelief at the evidence of the night before - the marks on my neck, the lingering ache between my legs.

After cleaning up and going through my morning rituals, I steeled myself to face Faye again. I half-expected her to have fled, but when I entered the living room, there she sat on the sofa, nervously fidgeting with her nails like a scolded child.

"What are you still doing here?" I demanded, my voice firm and commanding. She glanced up, startled by the intensity in my tone, and then quickly stood to face me, her eyes searching mine for understanding.

She stood before me, eyes darting between the floor and me, wearing a bashful expression that melted a part of my anger.

'How adorable,' I thought to myself, instantly chastising my weakness.

'No, Yoko! You're supposed to be mad at her,' I scolded internally, even as I found myself softening toward her.

"You're just going to stand there?" I raised an eyebrow, attempting to maintain a facade of sternness that was slipping fast.

"I... I... I..." she stammered, struggling to find her voice.

I shot her a sharp look, ready to push her out of my penthouse, but then she blurted out, her words rushing out in a torrent.

"I was an asshole for taking advantage of you last night. I want to apologize, but I also wanted every part of what happened between us. I'll accept any consequences and punishments you give me, but I'm determined to prove myself to you again, Yo," she confessed, her words tumbling out in a breathless rush.

She panted slightly, her eyes pleading for understanding as she awaited my response.


It’s been a week since that intense encounter in my living room. After shoving Faye out of my penthouse, I still couldn't fully process her sudden declaration, let alone what happened between us.

What we had that night was a mistake. I let my emotions and alcohol take over, and she knows her fault in it as well.

Before she left, she promised to do everything to win me back. I didn't want to believe her, but these past few days, she's been pestering me at the office with lunch and flowers. Yes, she was the mysterious person behind those lunches from some weeks ago.

I've told her to stop wasting her time because I wouldn't let my walls down. I gave her my worst attitude, but she just responded with a smile.

Just like now.

We were in the conference room, discussing the day's agenda. Faye, as the brand ambassador for our new project, was present as well.

I was seated at the top center of the conference table, facing the projector and the presenter, while Faye sat a few seats away on my right.

Every time I glanced at her, she gave me a sweet smile followed by a wink. It took all my willpower to stop myself from reacting, even though I wanted to throw my pencil at her face.

She's so annoying!

I forced myself to focus on the presenter, even though I could still feel Faye trying to get my attention from my peripheral vision.

We haven't had a clear talk yet. I don't want to reopen old wounds by reminiscing about the past or what happened that night. Thankfully, Faye didn’t bring up those topics; she just focused on her goal of 'winning me back.'

As the meeting ended, I exhaled deeply and abruptly stood up, adjourning the session and walking out without looking back. Clarisse immediately followed behind, briefing me on my other meetings and appointments.

We were almost at my office when Clarisse spoke again.

"Ma'am, Mr. Moore sent an invite for a beach fashion show next month. It'll be held at Lagoon Hotel and Resort. His secretary also sent me the details regarding attire, the event flow, and such. I'll forward you the email later, ma'am."

I nodded, acknowledging her information.

The moment my office door closed, I immediately felt the exhaustion wash over me. We'd been in back-to-back meetings since morning, and I was completely worn out.

I slumped onto my sofa, letting out a sigh of relief. Just as I began to relax, I heard another knock at the door.

Thinking it was Clarisse, I called out, “Come in.”

I heard soft footsteps approaching.

With my face buried in the sofa's pillow, I felt gentle hands begin to massage my back. I groaned in satisfaction as the tension in my muscles gradually eased. I didn't know Clarisse could give such good massages.

As I savored the feeling, letting my exhaustion melt away, I suddenly heard a gasp.

I immediately rose from the sofa, seeing Clarisse standing nearby while Faye hovered at my side.

'Why did I think it was Clarisse massaging me? She would never dare to touch me.'

I couldn't move, my eyes darting between Faye and Clarisse.

"Umm, I'll just put these documents on your desk, ma'am," Clarisse broke the silence. After placing the papers, she rushed out.

Regaining my composure, I turned to Faye with a furrowed brow.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I brought you lunch," she said, offering an unsure smile while motioning to the table where tupperwares were neatly arranged.

"Haven't I told you to stop doing that?"

Faye looked at me softly, her eyes filled with a myriad of emotions. She was about to explain further, but I stopped her.

I scoffed and looked at her directly, my voice filled with all seriousness, ready to shatter her resolve. "No matter how many lunches you bring or even if you buy out an entire flower shop, it will never be enough to erase the pain you've caused me. You pierced my heart deeply, leaving a scar that no one can mend."

"Not even you."



Another short chap HEHEHE

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