Chapter 32

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I entered the restroom, feeling frustration build inside me. She always springs up like a wild mushroom, catching me off guard.

And I hate it!

I hate it when she has the advantage!

I looked directly in the mirror, determination in my eyes.

"This is the start of war."

I retouched my makeup and headed back outside. Taking a deep breath, I walked back to the ballroom, ignoring the prying eyes of the people around me. I could feel their stares piercing my soul. This is exactly why I hate crowds.

I hated being observed by everyone because I always over thought that they were judging me negatively, each with their own critical thoughts.

One of the ushers offered me a glass of wine. I took it and drank it in one go. I then settled myself at a single table in the corner of the room, continuing to do my own thing.

I needed a distraction, and alcohol seemed like the perfect escape.

I was enjoying my drink, not realizing I was drinking too much. The champagne tasted so good it was almost like juice to me.

I was about to finish my tenth glass when someone lightly grabbed it from my hand. I looked up to see who dared to disturb my silent drinking session. I closed my eyes, trying to suppress the anger that was about to burst.

For God's sake, why is she here again?!

"You've had too much to drink, Miss Apasra," she said in that annoyingly soft voice of hers.

If I didn't know what she was hiding behind that soft and caring mask, I might have been lured by her actions. But I knew better.

"Why would you care?" I asked, clearly feeling the alcohol affecting my system.

She looked at me directly, her eyes full of softness and concern.

I laughed humorlessly, trying to fight back the surge of anger that was about to erupt, but the alcohol had fully taken over. Irritated, I faced her, finally losing the last shred of my patience.

"Wow, how thoughtful of you! There's no need to front your 'oh so perfect' persona. I know all too well about the cheating bitch behind that aura of yours." There, I said it. The hidden grudge I held against her.

I gazed at her intensely, letting her see the depth of the pain she had caused me.

"This alcohol won't hurt me as much as you did, so don't act like you care!" I didn't care if I saw sadness reflected in her eyes as I said it.

I've experienced worse because of her.

She smiled sadly at me, murmuring words I couldn't understand. The alcohol's effect was making everything hazy.

My vision was spinning slightly when I attempted to stand. Faye immediately came to my aid and caught me as I was about to fall. But my ego was in control, and I forcefully shrugged off her arms, losing my balance in the process.

I braced myself for the impact with the floor, but it never came. Instead, I felt soft arms holding me steady.

It was different from the grip Daniel had on me earlier—this was softer and more... comfortable.

'God yoko, you're a hopeless case.'

I hated myself for feeling the comfort, knowing it was Faye who was holding me. But I couldn't help but feel at ease in her embrace. I had missed the comfort she used to give me.

Is it too much to wish that, just for tonight, I could feel her again? Just for tonight, I wanted to be free from the pain.

With that thought, I reached up and pulled her into a deep kiss. Nothing else mattered. All I could think about was the longing I felt for her.

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