Chapter 45

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Every month that passed felt like a whirlwind of events. Both Faye and I were consumed with our individual responsibilities, whether personal or work-related.

Faye was back to juggling various brand endorsements, modeling gigs, and TV show appearances. Despite her busy schedule, she always made time for us whenever possible.

I constantly reminded her to take things slowly, especially since her body was still adjusting. The doctor assured us everything was fine, but I couldn't help but worry about her health.

One moment, in particular, remained vivid in my mind. No matter how much time passed, that scene replayed over and over in my head.

It was hard to recover from that.

Our families finally reconciled, and my parents personally apologized to Faye's mother and, of course, to her. Watching Faye's mother, I understood where she got her kindness and genuine personality. Her mom was so sweet, assuring us she could only hold anger towards the person responsible for everything.

She told us we were all victims of the situation we were in. Her words left a deep mark on my heart.

Not everyone possesses the kind of understanding her mother does.

"You were really raised by the best,"  I whispered genuinely to Faye.

She smiled, her shoulders shrugging with pride. "Well, that's my mom... She's the best, isn't she?" I smiled back, wholeheartedly agreeing with her.

"She is."

We had a small family gathering with Faye's family and mine. It was a wonderful moment, seeing everyone we loved reunited and enjoying each other's company. We played Scrabble, had a karaoke session, and ended the day with a movie marathon in their living room.

Happiness was evident on everyone's faces. Moments like these was a real treasure, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything. I looked at the woman beside me and stared at her lovingly. She was the reason I was capable of feeling this kind of love. I never thought I would love and be loved by someone this much.

Having had a traumatic relationship before meeting her was a game changer for me. After experiencing that kind of treatment, I stopped believing in love altogether.

I didn't believe in love in general.

I thought it was just a fairy tale—finding someone to cherish you, to look at you lovingly like you are the most beautiful person in the world, and sacrificing everything, even their life, for your happiness.

Before she came into my life, my heart was filled with emptiness. I focused solely on myself, doing things on my own without giving a thought to relationships and love. It felt like I was wandering aimlessly, lacking any real direction. Love had become a foreign concept to me, something I no longer believed in. The only love I acknowledged was my family's love.

But life has a way of surprising us, full of unexpected twists and turns.

Destiny is good at playing tricks on us.

They were right: we shouldn't close our doors just because the first one we entered was dark. We shouldn't settle for something less than we deserve. We just have to wait for someone to open the curtains hiding the light from us.

Because when that person finally comes, the dark room you once knew will be filled with blinding light. And that's what I experienced with her.

She brought me so much light with her love. She was the person willing to cross the dark path just to lead me to the other side.

"Why are you crying?" Faye's worried voice pulled me from my reverie. I hadn't realized that tears were streaming down my face as I reminisced about our time together, overwhelmed by how lucky I was to have her.

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