Chapter 42

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"We're losing her."

Tanya's urgent words over the phone sent me racing to the hospital, my heart pounding in sync with my frantic footsteps. I didn't care about the road rules I was breaking; my sole focus was to get there as quickly as possible. Upon reaching the hospital, I hastily parked my car, not even bothering to check if I had done it properly, and ran inside.

From afar, I saw Tanya, P'Wan, Pam, and other familiar faces.

"What happened?!" I asked, panic evident in my voice as I reached them.

"She's inside," Tanya replied, her voice trembling. "We lost her a moment ago, but the doctors revived her. I think she was listening, Yoko. Her pulse was dropping, and everything was chaotic, but when P'Wan shouted that you were waiting for her, her heart rate began to stabilize."

Before I could ask more, the doctors walked out of the ICU room, drawing everyone's attention.

"How is she?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. They exchanged glances, the tension thickening in the air.

"We'll be honest with you. We almost lost her. Her vitals dropped rapidly, and we discovered some complications. We're running further tests and, let's just hope and pray for her recovery. But for now, we're still uncertain when she will regain consciousness."

Tears fell freely from my eyes again. The thought that we almost lost her filled me with renewed fear and anxiety. I couldn't bear the idea of losing her. Please, Lord, don't take her away from me.



We waited for hours, anxiously monitoring her condition until it stabilized enough for us to go inside the ICU. Only one person was allowed in at a time, and I was the first to see her.

My heart felt like it was being squeezed as I looked at the tubes and other apparatus connected to her body. I held her hand tightly, unable to hold back my emotions any longer.

"P—p–please don't l–leave me, love.... You told me I was your light, right? You are the same to me. You became my lighthouse. You chased away all my demons and eradicated my past traumas, showering me with all the goodness life could offer. How will I be able to sail through the dark night without you? I will lose my way and sink in the process, love. Please stay with me. I love you so much. You'll be the first and last person I'm willing to spend my life with."

I was silently crying, whispering hopeful remarks on her. My face slumped on her hand, hearing only the machines beeping. When suddenly, I felt a light motion. I thought I was hallucinating, but then it happened again, more noticeable this time. I looked at our intertwined hands, my eyes widening as her fingers moved again.

"Nurse!" I shouted frantically, pressing the red button.

"Ummm..nnnahhhh," I heard her weak voice and immediately focused my attention back on Faye.

"Oh God, love!" Another batch of tears flowed from my eyes as her groggy gaze met mine. She was weakly looking at me, her hand gently pressing back against mine.

I wanted to hug her so badly but tried hard to restrain myself.

The doctor came in and checked her condition while I watched, processing everything again. They examined her eyes, took her blood pressure, and more.

'Is she really awake?' I wondered.

When they're inspecting her, the doctor walked towards me with a smile plastered on her face.

"She is stable. I'm still shocked that she was able to gain consciousness after having a seizure. She's a strong soldier. We've put her to sleep once more because we need to run some tests to make sure everything is okay. If it turns out well, we can transfer her to a private room." I was so thankful for the news that I almost hugged the doctor.

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