Chapter 28

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Of course, I've moved on.

"It's been five years already. How could I not?" I had a silent battle with myself since yesterday. No matter how much I deny it, I'm still a bit worried that Faye is back in the country.

We never had an official breakup after our intense encounter in her condo's parking lot. But I ended our relationship, right? She doesn't have the right to say anything after all she did to me.

I didn't keep track of her after that. All I knew was she flew off to the US for another project, and from there, she settled down for good. Word had it she became a big name in modeling, strutting down runways and gracing the pages of famous magazines. As for the girl she cheated on me with, I neither knew nor cared about her.

But don't get me wrong, all of this information was just accidental. She was just that famous, and since we're in the same industry, I had to be mindful of the competition.

'Who are you kidding?' I thought. My own consciousness was not really my ally.

After that silent battle with my mind, I turned my attention back to the door as my secretary interrupted my thoughts.

"Ma'am, the board meeting will start in 10 minutes." I nodded, acknowledging her information. I quickly packed my things and headed out for the meeting with the board members.

Today's agenda was likely focused on our new artists and arranging the projects we would launch to promote them. I started my company almost four years ago, with help from my parents and some college friends.

While studying communication arts, I explored different avenues in the field and realized I was better suited to be in charge rather than to act. Thankfully, my company was still going strong, and I hoped it would be even more successful in the future.

Since my project with her ended, our fans were in chaos for months. I know it also affected P'Wan with the sudden news. I'm grateful everything is in order now and that P'Wan understood my decision to cancel our contract and build my own company, 'Rise Entertainment.' I chose this name with the advocacy to help young talents explore and seize their moment in this industry.

I want to find talents with the will to grow and improve their gifts. Since our launch, our artists have not disappointed me; they’ve given their all to meet my high standards.

We have various artists like Yana, who auditioned as a singer but is now pursuing modeling. Kristoff Meyer, a former band vocalist, is also an actor under our entertainment umbrella. And the rest is history.

I give every artist the freedom to seize their moment and explore whatever profession they want to pursue. Because at Rise Entertainment, you are limitless.

I headed to the conference room, my expression a far cry from what it used to be. The old, cute Yoko was long gone. But I love who I am today—stronger, braver, and more independent.

"Take your seats," I commanded. The board members immediately complied. The presenter began outlining the day's agenda, which was the usual: new tactics, project offers, branding endorsements, and more.

After we finished discussing the main agenda, I was about to dismiss everyone when one of our investors, Mr. Yang, asked for our attention again.

"Miss Lertprasert, if you could spare a moment, we have a quick matter to discuss. Mr. Khan and I are very interested in working with a particular artist. I believe you know her as well," he said, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Go on," I replied, curiosity piqued as I noticed a mischievous grin forming on their faces.

"We scheduled an appointment with her secretary last month. Sadly due to her hectic schedule, she couldn't accept our invitation right away. But, after nearly a month of waiting, her secretary informed us that she is now willing to hear our offer." Mr. Yang was beaming with pride as he relayed this information.

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