2 - Greenhouse flowers

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"Would you like to come with me to the green house?"

Y/n looked over from her book and seen Alma leaning against the doorway of the parlor, her pipe in her hand and the trail of smoke around her as she blew it out.

"Outside? Sure." She says but the older woman shook her head.

"There's a new greenhouse outside the loop in town." Alma corrects. "They've brought a lot of interesting flowers in, I thought you'd like to come along with me?"

"Is the Miss Peregrine asking me on a date?" She says with a small smile, Alma raising an eyebrow with a slight blush.

"Nonsense. I'm just asking if you'd like to get out of the loop for a bit." She denies and the woman felt a small thing of disappointment. Emma had let her know of the ymbrynes feelings, how she suspected and had heard her state about liking her.

"Sure, let me get ready." She says softly, standing up off the couch and heading upstairs, her book still in her hand and went to her bedroom. Y/n set it aside on her night stand and tossed a light sweater on because of the autumn weather outside the loop.

She met Alma again downstairs who was busy speaking to Emma and Horace about the rules.

"Are you finally telling her?" Emma whispers with an excited smile, Alma shushing her with a glare when she seen y/n coming down the stairs.

"I'm ready when you are, Miss Peregrine." She says with a small smile, Alma glancing over her and blushing slightly, schooling her features back.

"Both of you understand what to do?" Alma asks and Horace and Emma nod. "Do not open the door to anyone. I will bring the house key with me." Alma says firmly.

"Relax, Miss Peregrine. We've got everything handled." Horace assures her and y/n walked over to the door with a smile.

"Go have fun!" Emma says with a grin, y/n holding the door out for her and Alma thanked them both, walking out with her.

"So a greenhouse?" She says and Alma hums, looking ahead of them both as they walked down from the house.

"It's an outdoor one. I believe it took the place of an abandoned shop that originally was there." Alma says, her fingers brushing against hers for a moment and y/n blushed, Alma staring intensely ahead to hide hers.

"You can relax." She jokes with a small smile, Alma catching her gaze and managing one herself.

"I suppose I've just been caught up in my mind." Alma says softly, looking over at her when she felt the woman take her hand, keeping it loose in case the older woman would pull away. Instead the ymbryne returned it, her thumb gently running over the top of her hand.

Y/n glanced up at her for a moment, seeing her gaze was stuck to what was ahead of her as they walked out of the loop towards the town.

"So what made you want to bring me along?" She asks, her lips turning up into a smile.

"I thought it would do us some good getting out for a bit. After all, we've been busy with handling the children and chores." Alma says, avoiding her eyes and y/n dropped her hand, not noticing Alma's disappointment.

"What's your favorite flower?" She asks the ymbryne and Alma thought it over.

"Delphiniums." Alma replies and the woman took note of that. "Yours?"

"Tiger lily's." She says and Alma hummed, trying to secretly take her hand again but the woman walked ahead of her, excited when she seen the green house.

"Wow, that's more fancy than I thought." She observes, looking over the glass windows in the front of the building.

"Just wait until you get inside." Alma says with a smile, finally taking her hand and pulling her inside.

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