26 - Cold tea

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Y/n was sitting on the chair in the parlor, a book resting in her hands, humming a quiet song as her eyes skimmed across the paper. It was long past reset, the headmistress in the kitchen making tea as the woman waited for her patiently to return. Her finger trailed across the page as she read the words, captivated by the book until she spotted the ravenette walk in, immediately setting it aside.

"Hey, bluebird." Y/n smiles, Alma returning the fond look and holding out her tea. The younger woman took it, but set it aside to cool off, Alma sitting hers on the coffee table. The woman held her arms out, the ymbryne sending her a raised eyebrow before suddenly shifting into a falcon, perching on the top of the chair in order not to hurt her with her talons. Alma never used her falcon form much, but when it came to y/n, she enjoyed the extra attention it gave her despite denying it.

"Tuck your talons against you." Y/n says softly, looking up at the falcon. Alma tilted her head slightly but did so, sitting down on top of her claws. What she didn't expect was y/n to then lift her up but her sides under her wings, carefully sitting her on top of her lower stomach to hold her close from her position on the chair. The falcon let the tension in her wings leave, dropping them off to her sides and resting her beak against the woman's chest, looking up at her. Y/n sent her a small smile, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on her beak before letting the feathers around her neck.

The bird leaned into her hand, pushing her beak against y/n's palm as she scratched at her feathers, disappointed when she moved her hand back away. Though her disappointment soon left when she felt the woman move her hand down her feathers, from her head to her tail, placing another soft kiss on top of her head. The falcon moved a bit closer to her, enjoying the woman's touch and y/n noticed, chuckling slightly.

Her hand moved down her wings and Alma felt her feathers prick slightly at the feeling, y/n doing it again to smooth the feathers down, unaware of the affect it had on the ymbryne.

Y/n went to stroke her feathers once more when suddenly Alma shifted back, in the perfect position to straddle the woman. The woman seen how pink the ravenettes cheeks were, the way the ymbryne was looking at her making a blush of her own appear.

"What is it?" Y/n raises an eyebrow, her chest feeling rather tight at how close the ymbryne was to her, feeling her legs tighten their hold on the sides of her waist.

"Alma-" The younger woman was cut off short when the ravenette leaned down, her lips quickly finding hers in a deep kiss, a low moan leaving y/n as Alma towered over her. The taller woman kissed her rather urgently, her hand slowly trailing up from her waist to her neck and then to her jaw to keep her still. The ravenette moved forward in her lap, a surprised whimper leaving the woman under her, y/n feeling her smirk against her lips. Alma pulled away for just a moment to straddle her more comfortably, y/n panting slightly from the long kiss when she felt the older woman's hand on the side of her neck, pulling her back in to a passionate kiss. The headmistress slowly moved away from her lips, dragging her teeth against the soft, delicate skin of her jawline before nipping at her ear and let out a low chuckle.

"Where's all of this coming from?" Y/n teases with a slight smile, her cheeks burning when she felt the ymbrynes tongue trail up along the side of her neck, a pleasant gasp leaving her lips when she bit down gently on her skin.

The ymbryne didn't answer, her talons digging into the younger woman's skin slightly when she grabbed her by the jaw, pulling her back into a fierce kiss. Y/n let a small moan slip, Alma humming out of satisfaction as she pushed herself further against the woman under her, her hands wandering down to the collar of y/n's button up.

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