3 - Fever

248 11 7

Request from @mayawrites098


Y/n woke up, her throat sore and her mouth dry, a pounding in her head. It's only been about 2 days since the ymbryne found her in her old home. Despite being on edge at the new place, she was very grateful to have been found. Especially because of her parents.

Today though, she felt off. She was sweating bad, her hands a bit shaky as she sat up and looked at the time.


"Shit." She whispered, knowing she was extremely late. Why didn't anyone wake her? Did they and she just didn't hear them?

She got up out of bed, her legs wanting to give out but she pushed through it, walking over to her dresser to get changed. She started taking off her nightgown, noticing the way it clung to her sweat and it was harder to get it off than she thought. She was able to eventually get it, changing into a different outfit. Struggling to button her pants and button up, she looked at the time.


She panicked and tried to move faster, not wanting the ymbryne to be upset with her. She was a grown adult, she should be better with getting up.

Her hands shook badly as she finally got the top and her pants, brushing through her hair that clung to the back of her neck and forehead, noticing how pale she looked. The woman didn't have time though to cover it with makeup, knowing she was on a time limit.

She hurried downstairs, trying not to trip over the steps because of her shaky legs and seen Alma in the kitchen, the children must have been outside.

The ymbryne glanced over when she heard her, looking over her confused.

"Y/n, you're awake." She says in a calm tone and the woman felt her panic heighten, trying to hide the shakiness in her.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I meant to be awake at 8 but I must have slept through my alarm." She says, Alma taking note of the small shake in her voice.

"Are you doing alright?" She asks, her eye brows moving together in suspicion and y/n gently pulled on the back of her shirt that clung to her skin.

"Of course, is there anything you need help with?" She asks and Alma glanced over her, not answering. She seen how pale she looked and the way her hands shook, but she didn't mention it. She wanted the woman to tell her herself.

"Would you mind making tea?" She asks and y/n shook her head, walking over to the tea kettle and filling it with water by the sink as Alma cut the vegetables for lunch.

She didn't notice the older woman glancing over at her as she did, noticing the way she seemed to struggle slightly with just filling the kettle with water.

She walked back over to the stove to sit the kettle down when she lost her grip on the handle, dropping it and Alma shot her gaze over from the food when she heard the loud clang.

She looked down at the woman who was already kneeling on the floor with paper towels to clean up the water, not noticing when Alma reached down and pressed the back of her hand against her neck. She felt the coldness of the woman's touch and leaned a bit closer to it, Alma pulling away when she felt how warm she was.

"Y/n, you need to lay down." She says firmly, taking the kettle from her hand and setting it aside with a firm look.

"I'm alright, just let me finish-" The ymbryne snatched the paper towels away from her hand, tossing them into the trash.

"Come on." She says, her voice growing a bit softer as she held her hand out, the woman glancing at it before taking it. "You can't be overworking yourself when you're sick."

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