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Hey! I am Casey Lynn jones .I am 17 .my house is big and full of kids/teens .Why? you ask .Because I live in an orphanage boo! to be honest it's shit here I get bullied because I am to 'skinny' or 'ugly' or too 'fat' which is why I am anorexic *sigh* I wish I wasn't but I am I also cut but no one knows . Any way's I have blonde hair and blue eyes I am about 5'0 small for my age but ah well. My birthday Is on the 25th of September 1995 my music interests are mainly focused on Ed Sheeran who i adore         and partially one direction their music is good but they somehow scare me with their craziness. I was sat on my bed, guitar in hand and strumming to the famous 'A team' 

'white lips, pale face'

'Breathing in snowflakes'

'burnt lungs, sour taste '

'night's lo-'

I was interrupted by Kelly and her 'Gang' which consisted of ;

Mark Goggins

Abby Tisdale

Sammy Jackson's

Jordan(boy) Hill's

Kiera Downey

Harry Dunne(Kelly's twin brother)

And of course Kelly Dunne leader of the little 'Gang'

'Oi' fatty please don't sing my body is damaged enough just by looking at you!' Shouted Kelly

'Well piss off then I didn't ask for an audience!!' I sassed back

'What did you say to me ?'she asked with her eyebrow raised and her arm's crossed over her chest

'I said piss off I didn't as-'I started but was rudely interrupted by 'It'

'I know what you said stupid I was giving you a chance to take it back and avoid a third beating this evening 'she smirked

I gulped

'No! please don't please i'll do your chores for the week please'i begged .I know I sound like a wuss but she makes Mark, Jacob and Harry beat me and they are STRONG

she smirked and walked up to me

'Nope!' she said popping the 'p'

'KIDS!! Get dressed nicely and shower they're are 2 families coming to adopt!' Our social worker /carer shouted

'Ugh your lucky this time but tonight meet us in the beating room at half 5 or else' and with that she walked off

I sighed and grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower .I rinsed the honey shampoo out and shaved .Once finished I dried off and went to my lame excuse of a closet which was really two pieces of wood nailed to the wall .I took out the baby blue shorts with flower patterns on it and a see through peach shirt with a blue cammy under it I also slipped on my white converse

Your probz wonderin why I have such nice clothes well when I was younger around 4 my 'dad' would beat me,rape me *shudder*and basically do anything to make me feel pain .well when I was 8 my mother Juliet had enough of my 'father's' constant abuse and we escaped but my mother also had no job so she couldn't afford food for th etwo of us so she wrote a letter and dropped me at the porch of this shithole .I still remember every word of that letter it read;

dear carer/worker

I am truly sorry for dropping my daughter here

her father beat us and raped us so I ran away

although after 2 month's there was no food to feed her

which is why I am trusting this orphanage for help please take care of my baby girl

her name is Casey Lynn Jones

her birthday is ;

the 25th of september 19994 right now she is 8 year's old

she has a great bright future ahead of her along with an angelic singing voice

kind regard's

Juliet jonesx

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