Bring the action

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Niall's P.O.V. 

I couldn't help but feel amused by the way Louis spoke to Kelly, She deserved it and if Louis wasn't there to say that i would. I hugged Louis tightly as soon as i heard Kelly leave "Thank goodness you're okay,man. I was worried sick" He nodded and pulled away "I appreciate the concern Niall but it's Casey we should be worried about" He replied. This of course caught my attention "What's wrong with her?" I asked worriedly because deep down, i knew we and if not, I still had feelings towards her. "Someone took her, but don't stress your pretty blonde locks about it, It isn't something you'd care about anyways" He told me. i was suprised by his answer considering the sudden mood change but i suppose i should of expected it. "No i want to help, no matter what you say im helping" I told him . "Hey, where's Athena?" Harry questioned " I have no idea, check upstairs" Liam answered but was interrupted by loud banging from under us. I looked up around at the lads and shrugged it off, but there was another bang that put us in our senses and we all walked towards the basement. I gripped the handle and twisted it to the left but found it was locked. I walked to the small cabinet that was hung over the oven and took out the spare key and unlocked the door to be met with the sight of a frightened Athena. She was immediatley pulled into Harry's Arms as he hugged her tightly which made my stomach tingle, longing for a relationship like that "K-kelly" She breathed out over her cries "What? what did she do" Harry asked, cupping her face to soothe her "S-she got Casey's dad to kidnap her, i didn't mean it i swear, im sorry "She cried out. My heart raced as my fists tightened "Her Dad?" I questioned angrily. She nodded and looked away, guiltily "And you fucking knew about this!" I asked, my voice raising higher on each word. "Niall, calm down she made a mistake, we all do" Harry glared at me. I took a deep breath and shook my head "Athena, where is she?" I asked calmly "West entrance, the south-port warehouse" She mumbled. I nodded and grabbed my car keys "Coming?" I asked, no one in particular. All of them nodded and followed me to my black jeep. I hopped in the drivers seat and waited for everyone else to get in.

Caseys P.O.V.

I played with my loose bracelets, dangling off of my wrists and sighed. I looked up to see an empty black room, And i was situated on the bed inside of it. I heard loud footsteps come towards the room and i froze in fear. The door opened and in walked my Dad. "Come on" He said roughly, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me off the bed. "Where are we going?" I asked "None of your god damn business" He muttered and pulled me up, standing me on my feet. I wiped off some dust and dirt and started to walk after him, with a few lingering thoughts to just dash and run away but i was too paralysed with fear to do that. I heard some beeping come from outside. I looked up at my dad curiously and he shrugged, Pulling on my wrist to walk faster, I of course obeyed and walked  at a faster pace. I was soon blinded with white shining lights of a cars head lights. I pulled my arm up to shield my eyes and walked to the car. He let go of my wrist and went to the car window, He started talking to the person  but i couldn't hear what he was saying but i knew that he was talking to a girl, The feminine voice rang in my ears before i felt two large arms wrap around me and a cloth draped over my mouth, i squirmed but the persons mouth came to my ear and muttered a quiet " Shhh, it's me" I immediatley relaxed under this persons touch and turned around, I didn't know them but my gut was telling me to trust them. My eyebrows scrunched up together in confusion as i seen Niall standing infront of me, scanning me all over. I heard some footsteps from behind me and Niall picked me up, Running out of the warehouse car park. I heard shouting from behind me and a car accelerating but i was quickly flung into a black car and we drove away. I looked up and looked around to see Harry and Athena sitting side by side, Athena crying and Harry comforting her, Next to them was Louis and Zayn, staring at me curiously. I looked beside me and seen i was the one Niall was gazing at, I looked away and seen that Liam was driving, full speed. "Whats going on..?" I asker wearily. Niall cleared his throat and spoke up "Well i guess we saved you" I nodded and looked at Louis "How did they not get you also?" I asked " I have no idea, i just seen them taking you and i was left alone, but i ran here and got in a fight with Kelly and Niall then we found Athena locked in the basemebt and now were here" "Why were you locked in a basement? and Why did you have a fight with Kelly and Niall?" I questioned. Athena spoke up first "Listen, I'm really sorry but me and Kelly planned for this to happen for you, I-I-I didn't mean for her to go this far" She bursted into tears and i just stared at her. "Great to be able to say i have a great Best friend" I muttered sarcastically, sending her into more sobs. I directed my gaze at Louis, wanting him to explain his reason for arguing with the two. "Oh" He cleared his throat " I got irritated at Her attitude, and I got angry at Niall because he doesn't care for you" He shrugged as if it was nothing but it hurt me more on the inside, as if i wasn't hurt enough "That's not true, Louis" Niall spoke frustrated " Well it seems like it" He replied "Maybe if you let me fucking explain myself then-" "Stop!" I demanded, not wanting more fights. "Niall, you and i both know you dont give a flying fuck about me and Louis, thanks for standing up for me but i can fight my own battles" I said angrily "Casey, no. i do care about you and you know that" Niall shouted, sitting forward in his seat to look at me at a better angle. "Guys c'mon, out" Liam said as we pulled up at their house "Will Kelly and my Dad not come for us?" I asked "Nah, there smart enough to know that there is cameras everywhere around this house and there will be plenty of evidence to lock them up" Liam replied. I noded, satisfied. "Oh,alright" 

Once i was changed, washed and ready for bed i climbed into Louis' Silk sheets, curling into a ball. I closed my eyes and waited for Louis to come in. I soon felt a dip in the bed beeside me and a pair of strong arms wrap around me, I snuggled back into Louis and whispered "Lou-bear? you awake?" "Yeah" He replied, whispering "Can we talk?" "Sure" "Does Niall really not care about me?" "Of course he does, i was just angry but i can see it in his eyes that he truly does" My lips curled into a small smile "Good" "And why is that good?" He asked "Because" I replied, not knowing what to say. He ran his hands through my hair and whispered "You Still love him, don't you?" I was silent for awhile before saying " Yeah, i guess i do" He smiled against my skin "Good, because im sure he Loves you too"

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