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I awoke to the sound of chirping and my alarm clock.I groaned and rolled over.

"ughhh"i said as i checked the time.It was only 3.a.m.Why up so early?well today i am moving to America but im getting up super early to spend time with going to miss him so bad..

I quickly walked to my shower and let it heat up.I grabbed some blue jeans and an american flag shirt along with some old converse.I hopped in the shower.After i finished i dried my hair and changed into my outfit.

i took out my phone and texted Niall


hey babex im on my way,just meet me at the park! love youxx

i walked towards the park and felt something vibrate in my pocket.


ok babe!x im on my way too,love you morexx

I smiled at the text and kept walking.Soon i seen a swingset and decided to wait for him there.I was just playing Angry Birds when someone grabbed me from behind.I screamed and jumped around until i heard someone chuckle.I turned around to see Niall,pissing himself laughing.I stood up and folded my arms."That was not funny!"i pouted."aww babe,it was!you're reaction was priceless!"he replied.I am actually Shaking! what if that was Kelly? or someone from the gsng?or worse..Harry?I sighed"ok,whatever!,where are we going?"i asked.He looked at me strangely"umm yeah,i have a suprise for you!"he then smiled.I smiled back"where is it?" i jumped excitedly.He chuckled and grabbed my hand"follow me,prince-"he stopped mid sentence,blushing.My head snapped up in his direction"what were you gonna say??"i asked smirking.He blushed and shook his head"nevermind"he said.I sighed"ok..".Soon we stopped at a picnic blanket,covered with candles and food! "Niall,this is amazing,just like you"As i said this i looked into his eyes."I-i Love you"i smiled."Casey Lynn Jones,i love you too"he then leaned down and kissed me.I smiled and kissed back,wrapping my arms around his neck.He slid his tongue across my lip begging for entrance,i decided to tease and deny entrance,But he squeezed my bum,causing me to moan and allow entrance.I decided to tease and move my hips a bit."c-case.."he moaned.I chuckled and pushed him back onto the blanket.He pulled me up and continued kissing me.i tugged at his hair.He smirked and explored my mouth.I moaned and fidgeted a bit shifting.but boy did that affect niall.He moaned really loudly.oops wrong place to shift.."babe,that was amazing"he moaned.I smirked as i felt him growing."Not here Niall"i hissed as he start grinding into me."Babe,pleaseee?it's 4:00am,no one will see!"he moaned,still grinding.I laughed and grinded harded."N-niall"i moaned,biting my lip.He held my hips in place and continued.Soon we were finished and we were lying in the grass,watching the sun rise.I smiled at him"i love you,never forget me.."i looked down.Niall lifted my chin up."Babe,that would be impossible"He smiled and pecked my lips.I looked at the time and noticed i had to be at the airport in half an hour"uh-oh,Niall i have to go.."i pouted,and so did he.He nodded and stood up as we walked to get the car.My luggage was already in his trunk.We drove in silence and it was killing me.

We arrived and we were in the waiting room.I was hugging Niall Tight."casey,remember..if you do see picturesof me and bitch face just ignore them,because i love you and only you"he said I smiled."I know Ni,Iknow"i nuzzled my head into his neck and took in his scent.

"Can Flight 347 to California,please start to board"a loud feminine voice spoke out.I sighed and looked up at Niall and noticed that he was almost crying.Which caused my eyes to water.I hugged him tightly"i love you"i whispered and kissed him.He kissed back and sighed."keep this on"he said pointing to the necklace he gave me for my 18th.It was a locket with a picture of me and him kissing.With 'I Love You'engraved in it.I nodded.he smiled"And i will be on tour in America in a*gulp*y-year"he finished.Suddenly my world crashed"a-a year!!"i cried.He nodded sadly.

"Last call for flight number 347,California"

I sighed and hugged Niall for the last time."Case?"he asked."yes?"i answered."i think you're my Princess"He then smiled and kissed me very passionetly.I kissed back and pulled back."goodbye,..Prince"and with that i walked to my flight.

As i walked into the plane,i felt angry that i was leaving Niall.what did i do? snapped at a flight attendant;).

A flight attendant took my boarding pass and smiled"Have a nice flight!"she smiled at me but i glared."don't tell me what to do!" and with that i was on my way to America<3

~~Skip le flight..~~

I walked to my dorm in college.and walked up to the desk."hi im Casey Jones and im here to collect my timetable and room key" i asked.She looked up and smiled"welcome! and here you go!"she handed it to me."room 101"(not even sorry..)i walked toward's the door and unlocked it,ti see a short,Skinny girl,dancing to 1D.She had brown curly hair."umm hey,im Casey"i put my hand out for her to shake.She smiled and pulled me into a hug.Her green eyes,sparkling.I hugged back and chuckled "Hi Im Athena!!"


OK hope ya liked it! sorry for the wait,but i had writers blocj:P so i wrote ya's a longg chapter xx

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