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Music pumped through the room and adults and teens took over the dance floor, Dancing with partners or just simply a member of their family. Neon lights flashed around the room and the only supply of proper light was coming from the mini bar in the corner of the room, Which was occupied by a few elder men and Niall with Deo and his girlfriend, Ella.  Zayn and Perrie both wore huge smiles across their faces I mean, wouldn't you? If you were just married to the love of your life.

Right now Harry, Athena and I were at our table, taking shots while Niall was getting more. But Deo and Ella were up there so i have a feeling Niall got distracted..Harry downed his last shot and shook his head in attempt to rid of the sourness. Athena was only on her fourth and i was on my second last one. My eyesight blurred and my mouth felt like someone threw a bomb into it. Harry groaned and held his head in his hands while Athena laughed at him "I told you not to drink too much" She told him. I hissed "Stop shouting!" The pain in my head was horrible "I wasn't shouting?" She whispered "Yes you were" I replied, rubbing my temples when i felt two large hands wrap around my waist from behind "Heyy Casey" Someone slurred. I groaned and turned around to be met with the face of a drunk Louis. "What, Lou?" I asked, annoyed. It wasn't Louis' fault, I just had a throbbing headache and was drunk as hell, resulting in my pissy mood. "Nothingg, I'm just Hello" He tried to say. I laughed lightly at his attempt "Okayy" We laughed and a Rush of adrenaline went through me "Let's dance!" I said, pulling him to the dance floor. I swayed to the beat of the music as louis just did random dance moves.  We danced for awhile and my legs were killing me. Louis kept me laughing with his dance moves and his attempt at flirting with me as a joke. "Lou I'm tired" I whined "I don't care! your staying here with me" He insisted. I sighed . "Casey!" I jumped when I heard my name being called. I turned to be faced with a distraught looking Niall "They closed the bar" He whined "Its only like four in the morning, I don't understand" I laughed at his childish ways and brought him into a hug "It's okay, It's time we go to bed anyways" I was Tired and judging by Niall's body posture and facial features, He was tired also.

I guided him down the hotel's Hallway and towards the lift, supporting his weight on the way. I finally reached our room and slid the card key into it, pushing the door open with my feet and walking him to the bed. I sat him down and pulled the covers back, allowing him to get under them. Once he was under i pulled them back over him and pecked his cheek. "Night, Niall" I mumbled before walking to my case and taking out my shirt and fluffy pyjama pants. I walked into the En-suite and changed quickly, wiping off my make up and then crawling into bed next to Niall. I curled up and shut my eyes when i felt a hand slide around my body, enveloping me in their arms. I smiled to myself and nuzzled my head into his neck.

His presence sent a warm wave through me, leaving me with butterflies and a feeling of protection ghosting over me. I don't know how he did this to me, but he did. I can't complain though. Having someone like Niall is a blessing in my life and I'm grateful for him. 

I felt him stir and sigh inwardly "Casey?" He mumbled. "Mhmm?" I replied, not opening my eyes nor moving. "I love you, goodnight" I smiled at this and felt him tighten his grip on me, "I love you too, Night"

I fell into a deep sleep that night and dreamt of nothing and I had to say, It was one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time.

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