Zerrie wedding.

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Caseys POV.

I zipped up the Zipper on my long blue dress. Today was the day, Zayn and Perrie's wedding. Perrie had been excited these passed months and she deserves this; Along with Zayn of course. I clipped in my diomand earrings and slipped on my white heels. Applying light make up and turning on my curler. I took a seat at the dressing table and looked in the mirror as i wrapped a strand of hair around the hot metal and twisted it, then releasing it revealing a delecate curl; I smiled at myself and continued this process until my usually straight hair was lively and bouncy.

A light tap on the door emerged and in walked Niall "What was the point in knocking, when you just walked in?" I asked, laughing lightly. He sat himself on the bed "Force of habit" He replied nochantly, kicking his feet up "What time is the wedding at?" He asked. "Twelve, we have-" I checked my watch "Thirty minutes to get there" I said, applying the last layer of lip gloss and standing up. Niall stood also and looked me over, Me doing the same; but to him.

He wore a light navy suit with a pink tie, matching Zayn and his groommen, which was consisting of Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis, but Lou was his best man. His hair was in a messy quiff and his eyes sparkled, complimenting his pale face and pink, plump lips. He looked perfect.

"You look great" I spoke. "You don't look too bad yourself, Miss" He teased. I shot an eyebrow at him and he Smiled cheesily "Im kidding, you look stunning" This time i laughed. "Thanks, Horan. Now let's get going." He nodded and held the door open for me as i walked down the stairs , Niall following me behind. We both walked to the car and he got in the drivers side, me in the passengers.

We've been driving for about twenty minutes and the church was no where in sight "Niall, we're lost" I repeated "We are not lost, we just went a wierd way" He insisted . I rolled my eyes and sighed, turning up the volume on the radio as 'Through The Dark' start playing. Niall wore a cheesy, knowing grin where as I braced myself for alot of obnoxious singing "Don't burn out, Even if you scream and shout, It will come back for you and I'll be here for youuu!" Nialls voice rang through the car, both from the radio and from beside me "You really are a great singer, Ni" I spoke "Thanks, you too" My heart stopped "You've never heard me sinf before, though." I replied "Right?" I comfirmed with myself "Not true, remember that time when we met? you sang that song you wrote" He reminded "Oh that? " I asked. "Yeah that." He said. My heart slowed down when i realized he didn't notice the similarity between Kelly and I's voice-Or should i say, my voice.

After finally managing to find the church, we hopped out of the car and ran to the courtyard "I'm here!" Niall shouted to a panicked looking Zayn "Niall mate, where have you been!" He exclaimed "We got lost" I told him, only to recieve a glare from Niall. "Well come inside, It's starting in five" Zayn spoke up. Niall waved goodbye, as did I and we walked our seperate ways, Him to the back enterance and me to the front, where i would find a seat in the family filled church.

I smiled as the newly wed couple trailed down the aisle, their smiles bigger than their faces. Perrie wore a beautiful creme dress with rose patterns and diomands on the chest area and a plain creme from the hipd down. She looked stunning. Her hair was swept into an elegant bun with pink roses pinned into it, with a 'Natural Bride' Look of make up.

Zayn was smartly dresses in a black suit, a pink rose in his left pocket and a crimson pink tie. He had black dress shoes and his hair was in a quiff, perfectly styled. and His beard was trimmed into perfection. But best of all, He wore a gorgeous gold wedding ring across his skinny olive skin ring finger.

"Boo" Someone whispered in my ear. snaking their arms around my waist. I turned my head to the side to see a grinning Niall. "Hello, Niall " I smiled, turning to face him "Where's Kelly?" I asked. He frowned when her name was mentioned and mumbled "Don't know and don't care" I smiled a half smile "Niall, you need her. She has to walk out of the church with you for photos, looking happy and shit."I said, being serious "Whatever, she can wait. I'm talking to you, and you're Important" He replied, squeezing my sides lightly. I teased and pulled away "I'll see ya' at the party" I smirked and walked away, out to the flashing of cameras and headed straight to the bridal party limo, As Perrie offered me a lift.

I sipped on a martini and watched the door, waiting for Niall to walk through. We were allowed to act like a couple as only close friends and family of the newly wedded were here. So i guess I was excited to spend a good night with him. Suddenly a blonde-brown quiff walked through the door, dragging Kelly along then releasing her arm as soon as he was out of sight from the paps. He looked around frantically until his eyes came in contact with mine and his lips etched into a smile as he started his way towards me "I missed you" He spoke up "Niall, it's been twenty minutes,love" I laughed "I know, and thank god it wasn't twenty five" He joked. I laughed at his cuteness and put the alchohol down "I can't wait to be official tomorrow" I smiled, as he pulled me into his chest, taking my hand and moving in a circular movement as a slow, ballad song played in the backround

"I know, me either"

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