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I  turned around and there standing was a worried looking Niall?

'Case,why were you screaming?'he asked worry in his voice

'Uhh no reason and why are you even here?' I asked

'well I did say I was coming back!' he said In a matter of fact way

'ye what 2 weeks later?' I sassed back

'yeah,about that I was at a friend's house back in Ireland sorry' he said sorrowfully

'ok ' I said

'so do you wanna go out?'he asked

'uhh I might not be allowed ,Marta hates me' I replied sadly

'don't worry I got this' he chuckled

'ok then I trust you' I smiled

We walked down stairs and Marta looked at me ,Niall nodded at her and suddenly we were outside

'wow' I breathed ,as I took in all of the scenery

'you don't get out much huh?' he asked smirking

I stayed silent and shook my head

he chuckled and threw his arm around me

'so where are we going?' I asked

'my house,maybe you can catch up with Kelly and harry ?'he suggested

I shook my head

'why not they're really kind and Kelly is really hot'he commented

'well im not a lesbian!' I said

he chuckled .' yeah sorry but she is really hot' he said more to himself

'so you like her huh? Horan' I asked hoping he would say no.

'yup we have already gone on a date but im gonna take it slow .so what about you,  you like anyone?' he asked

'nah I don't know anyone really' I answered

'well what about Harry?' he asked

'wich one?'

'Kellys brother.' I almost choked

'Uhh no thanks ' I said back

'why not '

'I just wouldn't see myself with him '

'Pleasee just one date I will go too but I will bring Kelly' as soon as he said that my heart broke

so he really does care about her , well now I have to try fall out of love with him!

yup I said it I've liked him since we met and I love him more and more each day.

'ok' I replied

~at le Niall's house~

'Kelly , Harry come down here a sec please!' Niall shouted

they marched down and when they saw me they both had devious smirks . Uh Oh.

Kelly's P.O.V.

I was in my room planning on how im gonna crush these boys ! haha

1. I will fall in love with one of them

2.Use Casey's CD to make it sound like me singing

3.Show it to my ''lover'' and he will tell simon , then I will get a recording contract

4.ditch the boys and use all their fame as Kelly, 1D's lover/sister!

then niall shouted for me and Harry.

Ugh Niall , that ugly twat .he doesn't deserve to be in one direction he out rules them all and brings the band down ,but fuck it he will have to do

as me and Harry reached the last step I seen Casey YES CD time I looked over to Harry and he had a devious smile on him too,probz gonna rape her again!


guys when I was talking about niall like that I was nearly crying but I have to do it cuz it's Kelly's character

anyway have a lot of drama coming up so please vote!!!

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