So close,yet so far apart.

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Nialls P.O.V.

I watched as millions of girls Screamed,sang,applauded and some even crying as Me and the lads played the song 'Kiss you' . I scanned the crowd, seeing the oh-so familiar blue eyes. I walked over towards Louis and Liam, while Harry and Zayn took center stage. I smiled at a little girl that looked to be the age of about seven or eight and she smiiled back, waving her small dainty hands at me. I looked up to the big screen over our heads to see the art graphics that Zayn had drawn, Flashing over the screen and glanced baack to the crowd, Winking and smiling at a few girls before i heard the song tieing up to a close. I set my guitar on its stand and gulped down some of my Water,walking to the middle of the stage and sitting on the steps. It was question time. I was soon joined by Harry,sitting next to me and looking at the screen,reading out the tweet and letting his cheshire accent flow through the walls of the arena. "Liam,what cartoon character would you describe yourself as and why? From @JessieM_1D" He spoke,looking at Liam "Umm,i don't know i think it would probably have to be Homer simpson,because im quite lazy" He replied, chuckling at the end. I rolled my eyes "Liam,your defenition of Lazy is waking up at 10:00 am and not moving for the day" I laughed. "Well,yes.that's quite accurate Nialler"He smiled "Laziness is bad,very bad" He scolded as the crowd laughed. I chuckled and looked around,somewhat blinded from the lights and looked at a few girl,But when i noticed one in particular my breath hitched. Is that her? i asked myself I looked closely and she smiled at me,waving faintly. I furrowed my eyebrows and started walking towards her, scanning her over Is that really her? or am i dreaming again? I felt a firm grip on my shoulder and i was snapped out of my daze, i looked back to see Zayn holding onto me and The rest of the lads giving me strange looks. I looked back to Casey to see that she was gone,i scanned the crowd quickly as she couldn't of gone far. But soon realization hit me, i was imagining the whole thing again. Like last week in the interview, i couldv'e sworn she was in the crowd. I sighed and walked back to the stairs,sitting on the third step as more questions we're asked

"Nialler! this ones for you" Louis accent rang through my ears. My head snapped up and i stared at him,waiting for the question "How long have yuo been dating Kelly for?" i thought. How long has it been since Management set us up? "Almost a year and a half" I replied,knowing i was wrong but Casey has been gone for about a year and Then we we're dating before she left. Harry and Louis made a face and quickly chose another question. "Where is Casey!?!" It read, i kept my head down,not engaging inn the conversation before Liam spoke up "She's actually in America!" Zayn then followed "Yeah,she's in college,In America! but she's coming back i think in a month?"He looked at Harry to make sure e was correct,Harry nodding in response. The crowd cheered and i smiled. It was good to know that They liked her,as i know not alot are too fond of Kelly, but i'm not either so why would i care?

It was 12:00p.m. and the concert was over, i was in my bunk,beside Harry and Athena's listening to music. Soon my eyes were Shielded and i was being pulled off the bed "Argh,who's this?!" I asked "Shh,it's Louis" I nodded and stood up as he dragged me to some place that i didn't know of. We stopped outside the tour bus and i pulled off the blindfold "What was that for?!" I asked,looking at him "Well,i just wanted to talk" He replied,leaning against the bus "About..?" I questioned,raising an eyebrow "Casey..i want to talk about Casey" He answered, looking at me directly "Oh..her.what about her?" I asked,i know i sounded rude but it was just my tone speaking through my mood. "Well,i was just asking if you've heard from her? No one has been in touch with her for  A month,and shes not answering her phone" He said,biting his lip seeming adjitated. "No sorry,Lou. Havn't heard from her" And with that i waled back inside. I just hope shes okay,safe,Happy and that Guy isn't bothering her..Louis soon followed,smacking me upside the head then walking forward into the mini living room "That was rude,NI. next time don't just walk away!"He scolded jokingly. I laughed and nodded "Sorry Lou" i plopped on the bed and scrolled down twitter,checking Casey's as no one has heard from her. The first tweet that i seen,which was probably the cause of her not talking was a sad face followed by #Shit. i debated on asking if she was okay,or just leaving it. I decided on leaving it and Looked on Kelly's page to see If her song hit #1 Now. It hadn't,but i seen something else that caught my attention . It was a tweet.To Casey..? i read it and frowned. I thought Kelly liked Casey? Her tweet read : @CaseyJones: :( #Shit: Whats wrong case? did you finally realize your a fuck up? lol" I noticed that it was supposed to be deleted,as it was but then re-created. i text Kelly 

To Kelly: Whats the deal with you and Casey?

I never got a reply that night. I wonder why

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