Album release party (part II)

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The music blared throughmy ears, leaving a ringing sensation. I sipped on the alchohol the bar had supplied and looked around; We were in a large hall with read,blue, white, green lights flashing, leaving drunk people confused. There was a DJ Up at the stage, blaring a few one direction songs from their new album, but mostly songs in the UK top 40. Niall was up at the bar, drinking away with Kelly hanging off his arm like her life depends on it, Sending me a few evil smirks here and there. Liam was dancing with Andy, who was feeling better, but had a few scars up his torso. Harry and Athena were sitting at the table with me as Athena felt sick and Zayn and Perrie, well they were just being cute, mingling and chatting to old and new friends.

A tap on my shoulder woke me up from my trance and a tall guy with dark hair stood there, wearing a goofy smile and a tux. I shared a small smile with him and sipped my drink until i felt a dip in the chair beside me "Ello' love" He spoke. "Hi" I replied, not interested in him one bit." I noticed you from the bar, you look bored." He told me "Yeah, it gets boring when your lonely" I said, searching for Niall. "Oh, your alone? that's even better" I turned towards him "How so?" I asked " So i can spend more time with you" "Oh" was all i said. "How about we go up and dance?" He asked hopefully "Sure, why not" One dance couldn't kill me, besides, I was really bored and Niall was having a good time, so why can't I?

He took my hand and led me up to the dance floor where the majority of the guests had ended up. 

"Okay! we're gonna slow things down now, so grab a  loved one and enjoy"  A voice from the speakers spoke. Oh Great. I glanced at the guy, who's name i have yet to learn and Was greeted with his big smile, two dimples sitting perfectly in place. I smiled back as he slid his arm around my waist, making me extremley uncomfortable.

'I figured it out, I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and Hours, Maybe they had to take some time,

I know how it goes, I know how it goes from wrong to right'

As we danced slowly together, i noticed Niall and Kelly dancing in the corner, also. With Nialls strong arms wrapped around her gold dress. He looked sad, but she was the opposite. Her smile was glowing and her eyes lit up like two stars in the sky.It was as if Niall's eyes were looking for something, or someone. 

"You and I , we don't wanna be like them,

We can make it to the end"

I sighed inwardly and tucked my head in this guy's kneck, not realizing. We swayed back and forth, side to side. Me, not keeping my eyes off of Niall when suddenly His blue orbs were burning through my grey ones. He smiled at me until he seen i was dancing with a guy and his eyes went grey and his smile fell, which caused me to feel guilty. I knew he would react like that. I pulled away from the guy "Thanks for the dance, but i have to go, umm.." I trailed off, not knowing his name "Nathan" He smiled "Yeah, thanks, Nathan" I smiled and started walking towards Paul "Wait, Casey. Is it?" I turned around "Yeah?" "Couls i maybe, umm get your number?" He asked. "Oh, sorry i have a boyfriend. But i can still give you my number?" I said "Oh yeah, that's fine" He smiled. I wrote my name and number in his phone as he did the same and walked towards  Paul. "Hello,Casey" He spoke "Hey, can you get the car? I wanna go back to the house now" I asked "Yeah, sure. be ready in about 20 minutes" He smiled. "Okay, thanks Paul". I searched for any of the boys, to make sure Niall got the message that i was leaving. Just my luck, Niall walked by me, not noticing me , obviously getting another drink before i grabbed him by the arm "Niall" He turned to me "Oh, hey, are you alright?" "Yeah i'm fine, i just wanted to let you know im going home, I'll see you later" "Why?" "Because i'm tired" I replied "Oh, okay..By the way. who was that guy you were dancing with?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows together "Nathan, he asked me to dance since I was bored, sorry" I answered "It's alright, I'll see you later babe " And with that he pecked my lips before i pushed him off "Niall! you can't do that here." I whisper/Shouted "Oh, shit yeah. oh well, Love you" I couldn't help but laugh lightly at this "Love you too,Bye"


Sunlight drooped into the bedroom as the inside of my eyelids turned orange from the reflection, causing me to wake up from my peaceful sleep. I groaned and rolled onto my side, feeling hair graze against my cheek. I peeled my eyes open again and noticed Niall sleeping peacefully next to me with his hair tossed and no shirt on. I stared at his peace filled features for awhile until his gorgeous blue eyes that i loved slowly opened. "Hey" I whispered "Hey princess" He spoke and rolled onto his  back "How did you sleep?" I asked, popping my head on his chest and he dragged his long fingers through my hair gently "Great, how about you?" "Good" . It was silent for a minute, just us relaxing with eachothers touch. "So, did you have fun last night?" He asked "It was alright" I replied, playing with his hand "Alright?" "Well, yeah..It was boring not being able to be with you" I smiled "Yeah, i was getting bored too". "I wish we could just be together" I whispered softly "I know, but we will be soon" He encouraged me "When is Kelly's last concert?" I asked "The day after Zayn and Perries wedding. So in about a week" I nodded and sighed "A week with her" "I know, i know. but we can do it" I nodded again, feeling a year's worthof tears coming along. All my feelings mashed up in one and thrown at me like a bus, I was honestly lucky to have Niall. He has helped with so much even if he doesn't realize it. I felt a stream of warm salty liquid roll down my cheek and i wiped it away quickly. I dont know why i was crying but i guess everything really did hit me. From America, to Jordan locking me up, coming back and 'bumping' into my dad, getting back with Niall, Kelly and then the party. "Are you crying?" Niall asked, breaking the silence "No, i just have a bus in my eye" I said sarcastically, wiping away the salty substance. "Awe, babe. Don't cry, I promise everything will be okay, I promise" He whispered in my ear, engulfing me in a huge hug "I know, i just feel like crying. everything from the past year is just hitting me now." I cried, burying my neck into his now tear-stained t-shirt. "Don't think about all that, because it's over, your here with me now, safely" He responded 

Knock knock

"Come in" Niall shouted and in walked Louis "Niall, you are both so, so dead" "Hello to you too, Louis" He replied "And what do you mean?" I looked up at Louis as he threw a magazine on the bed, displaying a picture of Niall and I kissing at the party last night "How did they get that?!" I asked angrily "I have no idea, but Simon wants to talk with you both" I threw the magazine in the bin and Looked at Niall "Tell him we will be there in an hour" Louis nodded and left the room 

I guess things aren't going to get better

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