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Louis P.O.V.

I finished packing my bags and walked out to my car "Please Louis, you don't have to do this!" Niall spoke, i pushed passed him and kept walking "Look Niall, When you all start to give a shit about Casey, then i might consider coming back! but right now, im going to find her." I said, grabbing my last bag and closing the trunk. "I do care about her Louis, its just hard for me okay? how do you think she would react if i came looking for her!? she would flip, and im sure she's fine, like Athena said, she's looking for attention!" He replied, growing angry. I stopped and looked at him "So you believe a girl that you've known for half a year, and you just diss Casey, the one you fell in love with ever since we mwt her at that orphanage?!" I asked. He looked down and nodded "Yes" I sighed "Well then, goodbye Niall, have a nice life with your slut and everyone else in that house" And i got in my car. He looked at me and just stared as i reversed onto the road, i gave him a slight wave and sped off towards the airport. I took out my phone and called Casey. 

One ring

Two rings

Three rin- "Hello?" I heard her speak. "Hey,its Louis" I spoke. "Louis? hey! long time no see" She answered. "Yeah, listen Casey..where are you?" She asked. "I'm umm on a flight home,actually" My eyes widened "What? you are?! that's great, i'm on my way to the airport to fly out to you but i guess i can just pick you up" I smiled "No, it's okay Lou, i don't really want to go back to the house." She said and i frowned. "How about we stay the night in a hotel and when your ready to come home, I'll take you" I suggested "I don't know.." "C'mon pleaaaaase?" I begged "Well. i suppose.." She answered and i smiled "Great! thanks, okay well when is your flight landing?" I asked "About 20 minutes" I nodded and checked the time "Alright, I'll be waiting, Bye case, keep safe" "Bye Lou,and i will" and with that she hung up. I put my phone away and sped up towards the airport.

Nialls P.O.V.

I sighed in frustration as Louis drove off and i walked back inside, slamming the door "Babe, what's wrong?" I heard Kelly ask. "One, don't call me babe because we're not really dating and Two, Its none of your business" I replied, walking upstairs "Whatever, ass" She said, i rolled my eyes and plopped on my bed. I sat and started thinking about her. I've been getting alot of thoughts about her lately and i don't know why. 

I laughed as she was thrown into the pool by louis. "Niall! it's not funny, i couldv'e died!" She laughed. I smiled and swam over to her "I'm sorry" I said. she smiled her gorgeous smile and kissed my cheek "Your forgiven" she smiled and swam away "But you have to catch me first!" i Laughed and swam after her, Almost catching her by the waist if only she hadn't of went under the water and swam the opposite direction. I dived under and caught her foot, as she reacted by squirming and floating to the top, i moved my hand up her leg and grabbed her waist before popping up and catching my breath "Caught ya" She smiled and came close "Do i get a prize?" I asked hopefully "Yeah,you can have a kiss" She replied "Good enough for me" I shrugged and we connected our lips to immediatley feel sparks and butterflies swimming in the pit of my stomach. click. I turned my head,parting from the kiss to see who had taken the photo, but no one else was outside, only us two as Louis and Eleanor had gone in, i shrugged and turned bact to Casey and chuckled "Lets go inside"

I smiled to myself at the memory.Before another started to take over my brain 

"Niall, promise you wont forget me?" She asked with tears running down her cheek. I wiped them off and stared into her blue orbs. "I promise, we'll text, call, skype, message, everything!. could i forget you?" I smiled. She nodded her head and lay her head on my shoulder, listening to my heartbeat "I love you Niall" She spoke. "I love you too, case" And with that we fell asleep on my bed, in the darkness surrounded by eachothers company.

"Hey Niall, where's Casey?" Kelly asked. "America, you know that!" I replied annoyed "Oh yeah..anyways,as long as she's gone, thats all that matters" She said and walked away. I dont know why but Kelly always liked to irritate me by insulting the ones i love. I sighed and sat on the couch before seeing pictures of Casey and some random guy on the television, kissing. That was the day our relationship tore apart. I accused her of cheating, when i know she wouldn't of done that. And the day i doubted my love for her. What a stupid mistake,eh?.

I angrily fisted at my hair and let a tear roll out of my eye. "Why does she do this to me?" I asked no one in particular "Because you love her" I heard a voice from my doorway "Liam?" He smiled slightly and walked in "Dani and I broke up" He sighed. I gasped and wiped my tears away, to show him i wasn't a cry baby "But why? you were such a great couple!" I asked "Yeah..Were. but i guess its for the best." He said. I side hugged him "I guess were both heartbroken eh?" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. He smiled slightly and nodded "Yeah, i guess so" Then it hit me. Im still in love with  Casey Jones.

Caseys P.O.V.

I was currently in bed at a hotel with Louis. He was fast asleep while i was laying awake thinking. When suddenly there was a bang on the door, I got up and slipped my slippers on before walking to the door and opening it, only to be pushed inside and shoved onto the bed, while a guy dressed in black shut the door and shoved a cloth in Louis mouth, which woke him up, I screamed only to have a cloth shoved in my mouth too. I kicked and squirmed from the masked mans arms but had no luck, One of the guys walked up to my face and took off his mask. Why was he here?


cLIFFY! so i decided that from the feedback i would post a chapter today! okay so i also noticed how i get like ;42 Reads but 6 votes, wut. So im not posting again until i get 12 votes ^.^

Love y'all! oh and i canT BELIEVE JAY IS PREGNANT! WOO

~Katie xox

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