Night Clubs and Tea

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My Black dress swayed along as I danced to the music. My long hair was loosely grazing my waist in it's bouncy curls and my heels were burning the heel of my foot.

I discovered we were going to the new nightclub "Alien" After my shower and now were here.

Athena and I were dancing while Niall insisted on staying sober so that he could keep an eye on me. So him and Harry were sitting in a booth watching a rugby match playing over the bar as they chatted and sipped lime water and coke.

It was nice having Athena back to be honest. I didn't realize fully how much I missed her until we started hanging out more.

She looked drop dead gorgeous tonight. Her Dark hair straightened so it reached mid-back. Her long tan legs stood out well in her hot pink skin tight dress, matching with purple heels adding to her height.

My feet were killing me. I wasn't drunk but I am tipsy. After dancing with Athena and a few random girls i called it quits on the floor for awhile and headed to the booth.

"Hey babe" Harry Smiled at Athena who followed me.

" You okay, Case? " Niall asked while pulling me onto his lap. My head sunk into his chest and I nodded.

" Dance floor tires you out" I murmured.

He chuckled and moved a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Do you want to go?" He whispered, Keeping a gentle hold on me.

"Yeah, please" He nodded and loosened his arms from my waist while I stood up.

"We're leaving guys, see you at home" Harry nodded while Athena attempted to drag him to the dance floor.

When we stepped outside my vision was attacked with flashing lights and shouts.

"Where's Kelly, Niall?"

"Who's she?"

"Are you cheating on Kelly!?"

"Does Kelly know about this?"

He ignored them and I did too. When we reached his car he kindly opened the door for me as i hopped in, Him following suit.

"Let's go get some raspberry tea" He randomly suggested.

"Raspberry tea? really, Niall?" I laughed. "Its twelve o'clock in the night and you want some Raspberry tea? " He nodded, grinning.

"Why not? It can be a little adventure" He smiled.

I nodded "Okay, fine. Let's go get some raspberry tea" I shook my head and buckled my belt as he took off down the road.

We were driving for about five minutes when he pulled up in a small car park. I got out of the car and shivered when the cold hit me.

"Cold?" He asked, rubbing his hands together to gather hear. I nodded and soon his arms blanketed over me. I smiled up at him and he began walking down a small road.

It was pretty. A long path, filled with pot holes and street lamps stood there with trees growing alongside it, flowers blossoming from the miniature bushes in between tree trunks. the sky was a dark navy with specs of white lights decorating it. the moon sat still giving radiant beams that reflected on us perfectly. And to top it off, a small café sat proudly at the end of the pathway.

"Kay's Café" Glowed in pink neon lights.

"Here we are. Home of the Raspberry tea" Niall mused, opening the door for me while it made a 'Ding!' sound, Signaling workers they had customers.

A small woman that looked to be of in her late forty's, early fifties led us to a small table. Her apron wrapped smugly around her thick waist and her brunette hair was in a bun, covered with a hair net. Her bright red lips smacked against each other after she chewed her gum, waiting for us to order.

"Uhm, Two Raspberry tea's please" Niall finally spoke, flashing her a polite smile.

She grinned "Coming up! Cutie pie" And with that she took off down the aisle to the kitchen.

I laughed as Niall's cheeks glowed a crimson red.

"Awh, you're blushing" I noted.

He turned redder and shook his head.

"Shut up"

"Make me"


"You love me, though"


"The feelings mutual" I smiled.

He shook his head.

"You're so mean to me"

"You love it"

"I love you"

"Sometimes" I mocked him.

He rolled his eyes. "All the time"

I smiled at this "Love you too, Cutie pie" He glared at me and was about to say something when two cups of steaming hot liquid was placed in front of us.

"Here you are cutie, do you need anything else, sugar?" She asked him eagerly.

"No, thanks. That'll be all" He awkwardly smiled at her until she walked away.

"Drink up" He clinked our cups together and took a sip. "Mhm" He stopped and looked at me "Its still delicious" He reminded himself.

I shrugged and lifted the mug to my lips, letting the hot red liquid blanket my taste buds. A sweet flavor danced on my tongue and i hummed happily "It's good." I nodded.

"It's amazing" Niall corrected.


Hey guys! sorry for the long wait. I have no excuse honestly, but Jocelyn kept begging me to update (friend) so I did.

Love you all 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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