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AN/ i forgot the password yadadada i started school and basically didnt have time to update,but now that im back in a proper scheduele,i've made days that im going to update,so they are :




And sometimes i will throw short chapters inbetween! Thanks for reading


I woke up to the sound of an irritating voice in my ear,squealing about something i really didn't care about at the moment,i threw off my covers and sat up,yawning and rubbing my eyes to adjust to the light that the windows granted access to. I looked up at the clock on the wall to see that it was only 9:00 am. I groaned and stood up,walking to my bathroom and turning on the water in the shower,letting it heat up first. I looked in the mirror and the girl i seen was not me. This girl was different.She had Darker hair,duller eyes and her face was pale. I sighed and turned away from the depressing sight,lifting off my shirt and sliding down my pants. I grabbed a yellow fluffy towel and hung it over the rack,Before entering the shower. As i let the warm,refreshing water decend down my body i started to remember Niall.I havn't thought about him in Weeks. I completley washed all memories of Him and the boys,including Athena from my mind . It was strange but i brushed it off,allowing myself to remember the times we had,I miss Them.I miss Him.I miss her,i miss then all. I miss all the times we had before i left for America.I miss all the times we shared in America. 

Before i knew it the water turned off,indicating that my 10 minutes we're up.In my room,the college like to save water so each dorm gets 10 minutes,three times a day.I rinsed off and took the towel,enveloping my body into it and walking out,back to my bed.I picked out some skinny jeans and a plain hoodie,matching it with some converse.I wasn't planning on doing anything today anyways,it was saturday and no classes we're on due to a staff meeting.

I dressed myself and tied up my wet hair in a bun.I walked into the kitchen and seen Bella sitting at the table,on the phone,again squealing about something i didn't give two shits about.I rolled my eyes and walked to the fridge,taking out the carton of milk and taking a sip from it,putting it back in and sitting at the table. "OH CASEY!,GUESS WHAT!!!!" she screamed in my ear,i moved back and gave her a 'fuck off' look but she shrugged it off and continued "IM GOING TO IRELAND FOR A WEEK TO DO A MODELING SHOOT" as she said this my face lit up,and my mouth cracked into a wide smile.She's leaving for a week.she will be gone.No more Bella!! 2That's great Bella! when are you going? Want help packing?!" I asked.She shook her head 2No,It's okay! and im leaving tomorrow!! im so excited casey!!" She started jumping around happily and i laughed slightly,You see,Bella is weird,She is like Sharpay evans from HSM.Her dad is a rich cunt and her sister works in a high modeling agency,which Bella is training to model for,whuch is one of the reasons that shes going to Ireland.She can also be a bitch.She is never happy for anyone else and only cares for herself.And yes,i'm glad to see her go."Well,you better start getting ready then" I repplied,while walking into the living room. I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until i seen the News.This caught my eye.."And in other news,One Direction's Zayn Malik and Little mix's Perrie Edwards has officially announced their engagement. The singer was spotted at the Boy's movie premiere flashing a diomand Ring on her left ring finger,it immediatley brought attention to the pair and lots of questions.One directions spokesman also put in at the premiere ; "Yes,Zayn and Perrie are engeged but the rest of their relationship will remain private" Goodbye and good morning,im your host Rachel adam's" I smiled at the screen and immediatley ran into my room,in search of my phone.As soon as i reached it i called Athena.Yeah,me and Athena have remained best friends since she left,and Harry we just lost contact and didn't talk for awhile.I put it up to my ear,sitting on the bed while listening to the constant ring that was soon ended by the voice of Athena "Hello?" she asked,i smiled and answered with a "Hi! it's casey" She squealed and replied "Oh my god Casey! i havn't heard from you in agesss!,How have you been?" "Fine thanks,you?"I replied.

"Ehh,could be vetter..have you heard the news on Zerrie!!" She cheered.I nodded,but then realized she couldnt see me so i replied quickly "Yeah,i literally just found out,its great! there such a cute couple" I smiled "Yeah,they are.Anyways i have some news for you" She said "What is it?"i asked "Harry bought you some tickets to come see us over the summer!" She announced,I smiled faintly "Really? That's great Athena!" "Yeah! anyways i have to go now,Kelly and I are going shopping!" And with that she hung up.I dropped my phone on the bed and stared at it.Did my best friend really just Hang up on me,for Kelly Fucking Dunne?! Even though she hates her andd We havn't talked in weeks.I ran my hands through my hair and sat back in my bed,taking my guitar and strumming it gently,letting the music fill my ears before drifting off into deep thought.About Him,Niall.


So i know i havn't updated in Yearssssss but the reasons are at the top ^^

So alot has happened in the Fandom lately



Larry Shippers killing themselves

Leaked songs 

Zerrie Engagement *.* #Yay

and Their Movie,which was Perf btw *.*

So anyways,at the end of each chapter im going to ask questions and the first one o answer gets a Mention and/or They get the next chapter dedicated th them,but you have to fan me ;)

So yeah the question isss....

Q: Do you or do you not ship Sophiam,say why/why not! :)




~Katie x

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