forgive me?

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I slapped him. I slapped him hard. who does he think he is? walking into my room, after he called me a slut. And thinks he can kiss me? uhm no. He held his cheek and winced "Don't touch me Niall,you can't just call me a slut, walk in and kiss me! it dosn't work that way" I headed to the door, about to open it. But was stopped,by Niall.

I sighed and turned around"Let me go"i said, not making eye contat. "Casey,please don't do this! we can work things out, please? i love you with all my heart. Fuck management! im not dating Kelly for publicity, i want you and only you" i could feel the tears rise "Niall, i love you too,but im sorry. it's better this way.." all i could see was his broken face, tears streaming down his cheeks as his eyes became glassy and red. I walked out and into the kitchen, to get a glass of water.

As i was drinking it i noticed Liam in the doorway. I put my glass down and sat at the table, and was soon joined by Liam. "Hey Casey"he said sadly. "Hey liam" i tried to smile,but i couldn't fight it onto me. "Tell me what happened with Niall?"he asked, placing his large hand over my small one. I took a deep breath "We're Over,simple" i looked up to see his face, it was full of Pity and understanding. "why?" i shook my head, not knowing what to tell him. I couldnt tell him anyway! i can't just walk up to him and say 'Oh, hey Liam! did you know i was bullied,abused,raped and am being forced into an abusive relationship?' No,i can't say that. he'll think im some attention whore. i would like to keep all that private. He stood up and walked to the Livingroom. I looked in his direction to see Niall walking out the door with Louis by his side, comforting him. I sighed and walked back to my room, as it was no longer occupied by Niall.

I sat on my bed and rummaged through some old stuff like; Photo albums, Cute video messages between Niall and I, my necklace he gave me and my Diary from the orphanage. I opened the first page and seen the messy handwriting of my eight year old self

Dear Diary,

Hello! Its me again. Casey,remember me?

well im back and i have some news! a girl moved in and is my age.

she seems nice,she has blonde hair,Blue eyes. really pretty!

I'm in my room right now,hiding from Kelly. She's really mean,and her brother Harry too. Theres someone knocking on my door. im going to go see who it is! Bye xx Casey

I smiled at my innocence and flipped through the pages. Remembering all the memories. I heard shuffling at my door and threw my Diary back in it's box. I walked to the door and opened it. to see Athena and Harry. I raised my eyebrow at them "Can i help you?" i asked. they both glanced at eachother before looking back to me"We're dating" I smiled widely as i heard the words come out of harry's mouth. "i knew it! ih god this is great!" I laughed and start randomly dancing. "But" i stopped in my tracks and looked at Athena "But...?"

She nervously looked at harry then back to me, playing with her fingers "We don't like long distance, so Harry said he can get me into a college in London and i can live with the boys" I looked between them "Oh.." Of course i was saddened by this, Athena was one of my closest friends. She has always been there. i didn't want to see her go. She hugged me tight and rubbed my back "I am so sorry case" i nodded in response and pulled back " It's fine" i faked a smile and looked at Harry "Take care of her,Styles"i laughed through my tears. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Sure thing,Jones"i smiled and hugged him,recieving a hug back "When do you leave?" i asked,pulling away. "In three days" athena spoke up ."Oh,then you better get packing" I wiped my tears and smiled"im going to miss you guys"i whispered. " we'll miss you too case, and remember! we will visit and you are more than welcome to come and stay with us" Harry replied. I smiled and nodded "Sounds great,anyway's im off to bed! goodnight" i walked into my room, plopping on the bed,crawling under the covers. I snuggled myself into the covers and closed my eyes. Letting today's events sink in as i slowly decended into a deep slumber..


AN omg guys, haha i forgot my wattpad password and had to make a new one, so i wrote the chapters on the new one! then got the password and transfered the chapter to here :') im sorry for my lateness! hope you enjoyed! and remember,feedback is helpful! goodnight xx~Katie

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