Her Return

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I hummed softly as i rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. It had been a few weeks since the whole dilema with my Dad and Kelly and things are going okay. Me and Niall are going strong and im getting closer to Louis, also starting to forgive Athena. I hung out with Perrie, Sophia and Eleanor yesterday. Personally i loved them but Sophia came across quiet and uneasy. Perrie was amazing, with her big blue eyes, Friendly smile and bubbly personality . Eleanor was beautiful too, her hair was to die for and she had a great sense of humor, just like Louis' . Sophia was pretty but she doesn't talk much, She also doesn't come around to the house that often either but Liam loves her, so i just go with it. 

"Case? you in there?" I heard a soft voice from the other side of the door "Yeah, who is it?" I asked, turning off the shower and wrapping a towel around my frail body "It's Niall, i was just comin' to tell ya that dinner is ready" I clipped my wet hair back and watched as soft droplets of water fell onto the tiled floor "Okay, i'll be down in 5" I replied, unlocking the door and twisting the handle "Okay, i'll be downstairs" I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me so i quickly responded with 'K' and walked out, and walking up to my wardrobe. I pulled out a blue and white tee shirt and a pair of sweats. I dropped the towel and unfolded my shirt, slipping it over my dry body. "Hey, casey- aH-OH MY GOD" My eyes widened in shock and i quickly pulled my head through the hole to see Harry standing in the room covering his eyes "Harry! get out!" I shouted, shocke and pulled the sheets off the bed to cover my lower ares. "Yeah, good idea. Im so sorry" He said while walking out, banging into the wall in the process due to the fact he hadn't uncovered his eyes. I laughed lightly and locked my door. Harry just seen me half naked. Gross. I pulled on my Underwear and then my sweats, walking to my door and decending down the stairs. I skipped happily into the kitchen to see Niall scolding Harry, obviously hearing about the incident and Louis and Liam setting the table.

"Niall, leave him alone, it was an honest mistake" I said, taking a seat beside Zayn, ruffling his hair afterwards to recieve a glare from him. I smiled innocently and turned my attention back to the bickering pair. "But, He seen you naked! i haven't even seen that yet!" I blushed and looked away, laughing to myself "You haven't?" Harry asked shocked "Nope, but i don't mind" Niall replied, taking a seat beside me "Well shes got a great pair of-" "Harry!" Liam and Niall both scolded. I laughed loudly along with Athena and Louis "What? she does" He defended. "Just shut up" Niall said annoyed, I placed my hand in his to comfort him and he immediatley relaxed under my touch. "Dinner is served!" Louis shouted, setting a plate of pasta in front of me. "Thanks, Lou" I thanked. "No worries, casey-boo" He laughed only to recieve a death stare from me, he knew i hated that nickname.

After Dinner i started to feel tired so i dismissed myself and walked into the kitchen, taking a glass of water with me to the room and set it on the bedside locker, and climbing into the blue sheets. I plugged in my earphones and shut my eyes, letting the music fill my ears and drifting into a calm sleep.

I woke up with a jump, i was sweating and my clothes were sticking to my torso. I looked around and the door was shut while the window was open, allowing fresh cool air to enter. I looked to my left and seen Niall sprawled out across the bed, his legs tangled with mine and his arm draped over my shoulder. I lifted his arm and legs, trying not to wake him up. I tip-toed out of the room and headed downstairs. But when i got down there, i wasn't alone.Someone was sitting on the couch, watching television. "Hello?" I asked, not recognising the person. They turned around and i grew angry. It was Kelly "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. She immediatley stood up and walked towards me "I could ask you the same thing" And she strutted passed me, walking to mine and Nialls room "Don't even think of going in there, he's sleeping" I warned But was ignored as she kept walking and dissapeard into the room. I sighed nd followed her up, hearing muffled talking from inside and i opened the door slightly to see Kelly wrapped in Nialls arms, fast asleep. I frowned and walked into Louis' room and crawled in beside him, luckily not waking him up and fell back asleep in his arms.

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