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"Casey,wakey-wakey!" An irritave voice whispered into my ear. "5 more minutes" I begged, burying my face into the pillow. "Fine, fine but that's it, 5 minutes only" the voice spoke as they walked out of the room.

After what seemed like five seconds another voice spoke; but not to me. "Louis what the hell?" I heard an angered voice speak,Niall. "What?" Louis replied "Why is Casey in your bed?" Louis shrugged. "Go ask her" I shut my eyes once more, hoping he wouldn't catch me eavesdropping. "I know you're awake" I heard Niall speak, after i felt a dip in the side of the bed. I opened my eyes shyly and gave a guilty smile to him. "Morning" I said, He rose his eyebrow and leaned back into the headboard "How did you sleep?" I asked "Could of been" "Alright" We were then pulled into a pit of awkward silence. "How come you slept with Louis?" He asked "There wasn't enough room in your bed for me" I replied simply. "what?" He asked, confused "Kelly was there, so i came in here" I shrugged, cuddling into his side and inhaling his scent. "Wait,what" He said, again. "Kelly came here last night and walked straight up to your room while i was down here, i didnt want to make a deal out of it so i just came here" I said, playing with the string on his jumper. "I didn't see her this so sick of this. Why didnt you wake me?" He asked. I shrugged "Can we just leave it?" I asked pleadingly "We can, for now but im doing something about her." I nodded "C'mon, i want food" i said, sitting up "Harry made pancakes and bacon" He smiled. As soon as the words came ou of his mouth i was on my way to the kitchen. "Smells amazing Haz-oh" I was in the middle of complimenting his cooking when they were all silent and Kelly was sitting at the table eating. "Morning casey" She smiled. i scowled and took a seat. "What? i try and be nice and i get no reply?" She spoke again "Just leave it" Louis murmered "Whatever" She said, taking her plate and walking out the door, only for the plate to be met with Nialls chest when he walked through the door "Shit!" He said, wiping the remains off of his jumper. "Im so sorry, NIaller, i didn't mean it" Kelly said, helping him wipe off his jumper. "It's okay" He grumbled, pushing passed her and straight to me, taking a seat beside me.

It was about four in the afternoon and I was snuggled up on the couch watching 'The Little Mermaid' while the boys were in the studio and Kelly was doing a promo shoot for her Album. I was drifting slowly to sleep when a call on my phone alarmed me "Hello?" I asked "Hey babe, can you come down for a while?" I knew it was Niall and sat upright "Yeah sure, but why?"" Just a small meeting with Management that involves you" I sighed "Fine..what time?" He chuckled "Thanks, and as soon as you can get here" "Okay, Love you,bye" I said "Love you too" I hung up and jumped off the couch ascending up the stairs, preparing to start war with the rebellious bush i call my hair. I grabbed my comb and brushed through the blonde knots one by one. each time wincing with pain. I sighed in relief when my hair was back to its wavy self and walked towards the wardrobe Niall and I shared. I slipped on a wooly brown jumper and a pair of black leggings, matching it with a pair of uggs. I quickly put on some light foundadion, lipgloss and mascara.

I walked 10 minutes to their studio and was greeted by Athena. "Hey case, the boys are in the room on the second left" She directed "Alright, thanks" I smiled, I walked down the hall and tapped my knuckles lightly against the door labeled 'One Direction' . The door swung open to reveal a man about the age of forty.I smiled sweetly before asking " Hi, is Niall here?" He nodded curtly before leading me into a small room again. I walked inside to be met with a sight of Niall,Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry all sitting at chairs facing Simon Cowell. I smiled nervously before making my way over to the empty seat beside Liam. "Hello,Casey" Simon greeted "Hi" I smiled "Okay so Niall has called me here o discuss two things; Kelly and you." He started I nodded and glanced at Niall, who was twiddling his thumbs and staring at me. "Ok?" I said. "Well, Niall has explained that Kelly is a disruption to your's and his elation ship, am i correct?" He asked and i nodded. "And would i be right in saying you both want rid of her?" "Yes" I replied "Okay, and your relationship with is it?" He asked. By now my hands were sweating and my heart was beating rapidly "It's great. Little fights here and there but otherwise, it's fine" I smiled "Okay, Niall? anything to add?" He asked "Nope" He smiled "Alright then you can all leave, except you Niall and Louis" They nodded and we all excuent.

"That was scary" I murmered, plopping on the studio chairs "Yeah, Uncle Si can get intimidating" Liam spoke, taking a seat by me. I nodded and lay my head back, yawning "Tired?" Zayn asked "Yeah, Ni interrupted my Napping time" I joked. He smiled and nodded "Take a Nap then. we'll wake you when they are finished". I nodded and turned on my side, using Liams lap as a pillow as he took off his jumper and laid it over me "Thanks Li" I whispered as i dozed off.

"Casey, wake up, Niall is out" Liam whispered. I peeled my eyes open to be met with a pair of blue ones. "Hey sleepy head" Niall joked "Hey, how did it go?" I asked "Good, I'll tell you more at home, C'mon"He said, picking me up bridal style and walked me out to the car. By the time we got home i was fully awake. I walked inside and dragged Niall and Louis with me "Tell me what happened" I asked eagerly "Well, Simon just asked me for my side of the story when you were kidnapped" "And he told me that you and I were approved" I smiled widely "But, Kelly and I Have to 'date' until her last concert in the UK" my smile fell but i was still thrilled. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly "This is great" He gladly hugged back and kissed the tip of my nose "It is" Louis muttered a few words and left the room, sending me into a few giggles. 

After some alone time with Niall we both decided to go order some pizza. I changed into some fluffy p.j's and threw the blanket over me while Niall took his shower. I flicked through the TV and scrolled through my twitter, following a few fans here and there until i came upon a link titled :Midnight Memories (FULL ALBUM) i curiously clicked on it to be lead to a youtube channel displaying the cover of the boys un-released album. As 'Best Song Ever' started to play i grew angry. Why would someone do this? after all their long hours of recording, writing and editing someone goes and leaks it. I skipped til' the middle and an un familiar tune filled my ears. 

                                                                                                                                                                         " Been a lot of places.

I've been all around the world.

Seen a lot of faces.

Never knowing where I was.

On the horizon.

Oh, well, I know, I know, I know, I know the sun will be rising

Back home.

Living out of cases,

Packing up and taking off.

Made a lot of changes

But not forgetting who I was.

On the horizon.

Oh, well, I know, I know, I know, I know the moon will be rising

Back home.

Don't forget where you belong–home.

Don't forget where you belong–home.-"

"How did you get that?" I looked up to be met with a towel covered Niall.droplets of water falling off his hair and face "It was on twitter" I answered quietly , He grabbed my phone and looked at the screen "What the fuck? How, when , why?" He asked, pacing the room. "Niall calm down this kind of stuff happens all the time" I told him "I guess, but i just dont understand why!" He whispered barely audible. "I don't know Ni, I don't know" 

After Pizza, A film and some comforting Niall fell asleep with me trapped in between his limbs. I switched off the television and closed my eyes, giving Niall a kiss before falling into a peaceful sleep.


Hey! sorry for the long wait, i had writers block :P anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i worked really hard on this. I bet none of you even read the authors note haha if you do, comment 'MM' and I'll give you a dedication and a role in my up-coming book 'We're celebrities, get us out of here!' Based on the popular annual TV Show.

~Katie x o

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