Officially Official

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Today was the day, the day Niall and I could be together publicly and not have to hide anymore. Kelly would be gone, and Harry too. And thank God for that, I was full to the brim with the feeling of hatred towards them, and now I was finally regaining my life and having the opportunity to do what I want.

I loved Niall, honestly. Not Niall Horan from One Direction; Niall Horan from Mullingar. I didn't fall in love with his Image- although that did help- I fell in love with him, all of him, his eyes, personality, caring nature, the way he would be so carefree, he always put others in front of himself and simply loved life to the fullest. Its weird to think what life would be like right now if the boys hadn't have came to adopt, or if I was adopted years ago, and was not there when they came, I think what this taught me was that Everything happens for a reason, and that everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, then it's not the end. And I was close to getting to the end.

All morning I've had a happy vibe, and it seemed to bounce off of me and straight onto all the boys, Niall in particular. He was smiling the minute he woke up, all the way through packing, and then to the Hotel lobby, where it disappeared slightly due to the presence of Kelly but it stayed firmly planted on his lips. We all waited on Zayn and Perrie to come down from their room as they were still packing, but Liam checked the rest of us out, not without taking pictures with the staff. We all stood quietly for about five minutes until the newly wed couple came from the elevator, smiling at us with their hands molded together. "Morning, Lovebird's!" I greeted them, smiling at them and picking up my bag along with the rest of them. We waited while Zayn checked Himself and Perrie out then headed to the doors where the flashing of ca,eras blinded us and screaming fans deafened us. I walked closely to everyone when i felt a warm hand slip into mine, I looked up to see Niall standing close with one hand holding his bag and the other latching onto mine, Worry shot through me, I thought we had to wait until after her concert? I nervously smiled at the fans and hopped into the back of the waiting black range rover. We all piled in, Including Kelly and Harry, and took our seats after preston took our bags and loaded them into the trunk. 

After a long, awkward car ride home we finally arrived. We pulled up into the garden and the door was already opened, ready for us to just get out and go in. I un-buckled my belt and scooted down the seats to the door, stepping out and fixing my shirt. I was handed my bag, and was about to grab it when Niall beat me to it, He shot me a smile and walked into the house, Goofball.

Once we were all settled in and back to our usual routines, Harry, Athena, Louis, Harry Dunne, Niall and I were all sitting on the couch, watching television while Liam went to visit his family and Kelly was at her venue, doing sound check. None of us knew why Harry (D) didn't go with her but I had a feeling I was about to find out as he leaned into my side and whispered "We need to talk" I didn't know how to respond so I just pushed him off me lightly and nodded, standing up "Anybody want anything in the kitchen?" They all shook their heads "Actually, I might go make myself some toast" Harry said I nodded and watched as he followed m, once we were out of eyeshot and earshot I looked at him "What did you want to talk about?" He pulled out a chair from the table, motioning me to sit down as he did too. I took a seat and folded my arms " Niall" I scrunched my eyebrows "What about him?" I asked, Leaning in to show I was interested. "He's not safe here, Casey " He warned and I rolled my eyes "There not after him Harry, they are after me " I reminded him "They're after him too, Kelly has it all worked out" He insisted, I shook my head "And why should I trust you? " I waited for his reply "Fine, don't. But don't go around feeling sorry for yourself when something happens to him, sweetie" He smiled eerily "What's happening to who? and who are you calling Sweetie? " Louis walked in, an empty mug in his hand "Nothing, Louis " I told him, standing up and walking back to the couch

Great, just after i start feeling Happy, and that things were finally working out, A weight was thrown onto my shoulder. I slumped into the soft cushioned couch and put my head on Niall's shoulder."Okay, babe?" He asked, putting his arm around me, making my head fall into his armpit "Eww, Niall" I whined, lifting my head out as he laughed "Sorry, i thought your head was on my chest" He chuckled, pecking my cheek. He furrowed his eyebrows and lifted my chin to look at him when I didn't respond "What's up?" He asked softly "Nothing, I'm just tired and my legs are killing me after last night and all" I lied, but honestly, I did have a bad headache from the hangover, and my leg muscles were sore from dancing with Louis. "What happened last night..? Did we..?" He asked, trailing off. It took me awhile to get it "Oh! No, no, no, we didn't! I meant from the party and dancing" I blushed, He nodded "Good, I'd like to remember our first time" He said it as if it were normal to be talking about this, with his two friends, right on the opposite couch. I shook my head and chuckled , looking at the time "Its 7:00, Kelly's show is starting soon" I changed the subject, quickly. He looked at his phone "Yeah, half an hour. " He smiled. Nodding, I put my head on his chest and looked at the t.v. , Wondering if what Harry said was true, or if it was just to make me feel uncomfortable. I decided to put my mind off of it and just relax. 

It was about nine O' Clock when we heard the ring of a phone, I jumped up off of Niall and searched for the phone "Got it! " We heard Athena shout from the kitchen, we walked in one by one and listened as she spoke through the phone , when she pulled her ear away from it "Niall, it's your Mum" She spoke softly, Niall made his way to the phone and Athena handed it to him "Mum?" I heard mumbling from the phone when suddenly Niall's face broke into a smile "You serious!?" He waited a second before saying "Okay, I'm on my way!" He hung up and looked at us "Denise and Greg had their baby!" He cheered. I smiled widely as he embraced me into a hug "They were visiting my mum in London when she went into labour, so there here in London! " He muffled into my hair "Ni, that's amazing! you're an uncle" I smiled "I know, it feels weird" He chuckled" "Are you going to visit?" I pulled away, looking up at him "yeah, the visiting hours end in an hour so I'm gonna head down now, Come with me?" He asked "But, your family is there.." I wasn't exactly comfortable with the fact I was going to meet them tonight. "So? they don't bite" He laughed at my worried state " I don't know, what if they don't like me? Or if they think im not the right girl for you, or if they think im some-" I was cut short by his hand covering my mouth "I doubt it, i tell my mum all about you all the time and she already loves you, and My dad and Greg aren't the kind to hate, If I love you i'm positive they will too" He assured me "I don't know.." I carried on "Pleaseee?" He begged, holding onto my hands and rubbing my palm with his thumb "Oh, fine. But let me get something decent on" I agreed "No time! you look fine, now let's go!" He smiled giddily and pulled me to the door, As soon as it was opened I shivered, the cold hitting me as we made our way to his car "I hate you right now, Horan" He only chuckled and waited for me to get in and strap myself up "I know, Jones" He smiled, pulling out of the driveway and starting down the road.

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