Only know you love him when you let him go..

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I woke up to the aroma of fresh coffee and toast. I jumped out of the bed to find Louis still asleep, tangled in a mess of blankets. I chuckled and walked downstairs, Slipping on my slippers before and walked into the kitchen. "Smells nice" I said when i walked in, not noticing it was Niall i was talking to "I-Uh" I said, trying to cover up but he spoke "Thanks" He smiled. I nodded and walked to the fridge, pouring some oranje juice and cracking some eggs into the pan. I Watched as he swiftly spread his butter on his toast and sit down, me doing the same but sitting as far away as i could from him. I was about yo get up and put my empty plate in the sink but Niall beat me to it "I got it~" "Oh thanks, i guess" I was about to walk into the living room when i felt a hand lay on top of my shoulder "I'm truly sorry that this happened to you" He said, genuinley concerned "Yeah well, everything happens for a reason" I replied, shrugging his hand off my shoulder and walking into the living room, but was followed by Him. "But this shouldn't of happened to you" "Why the hell would you care?" I asked, plopping on the couch " Because i do" he said, sitting beside me "Thats not a very good reason, is it?" "No, but if i told you the real one you would laugh" "Try me" I said, confidently "I still like you, haven't stopped and i don't think i ever will" I stared at him in shock

He leaves me with Jordan, accusing me of cheating on him, left me broken hearted, took my friends away and broke all contact and now he's sitting here telling me he liked me? He was unbelievable "I am so done" I said, standing up and stomping towards the stairs "No! Casey wait, i mean it " He said, grabbing my hand "Let me Go, Niall" I warned "I can't, nbot until yo hear me out" "LET ME GO!"I shouted, not caring if i woke anyone up "Just listen will ya?" He said, growing frustrated " Please, just let go" I said to him" No, now listen. I never stopped likeing you and i never will" He stared at me "What i did was a huge mistake, i know and tust me, i would re-do that day in a heartbeat. But more than anything i just want to call you mine again" "Niall, let-" I started "No, im not finished. We both made mistakes and we both regret them. But we also saved eachother wether you realize it or not. I was a boy, With my heart locked in its cage, no matter how many times i unlocked it (AN: ;) ) And you? You were in a god damn orphanage. I walked into that place and when we had that short interview, my heart was crawling out of that cage and towards your's. It wanted to be locked with yours forever and it still does, Casey you may not feel the same but i need you" My eyes were watering by now "Niall please" "No, Dammit! why wont you understand!?" He shouted "BECAUSE I DONT WANT MY HEART TO JUMP OUT OF ITS CAGE AND GET LOST AND BROKEN, " I shouted "again.." I added the last part "WELL THATS WHATS HAPPENING TO ME" He shouted back, stepping closer. I was expecting at least Liam to have come down by now, but no one was here. "THATS NOT MY GOD DAMN PROBLEM, NIALL" I shouted, pounding my fists against his chest , desperatley wanting to get out of his hold. He wiped my wet cheeks and looked me in the eyes, i could see the anger in his eyes, also an emotion i couldnt put my finger on "I KNOW, BUT YOU CAN HELP ME. I FUCKING LOVE YOU CASEY!" I flinched slightly and looked up at him "NO YOU DONT, YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT!" I cried "IM NOT, I LOVE YOU, CASEY JONES, I LOVE YOU" And he broke down crying. "I LOVE YOU TOO! DAMMIT" i cried out, feeling under ppressure to let that out. I looked up at him and he was staring at me when suddenly he smashed his lips to mine, I was in shock at first but continued kissing him. He smiled into the kiss and i smiled back, feeling every worrk wash away. I can't believe this is happening, seriously. His lips molded against mine perfectly and we pulled apart. We heard clapping and i turned my head to see everyone standing there shocked "Best.make up. ever" Louis said. I laughed and looked down, pulling away from Niall and looking at them "You saw?" They all nodded "We didn't want to interrupt, plus Liam said he'd kill us if we did" I laughed and blushed. Louis stared at Niall as if talking in eye language. Niall cleared his throat and looked at me "Casey?" "Mhmm?" "Can i do the honour of calling you mine, again..?" He bit his lip and i looked around at the hopeful faces. "I-uh i don't know-No" I replied, looking down "What?" He asked, in disbelief "I'm sorry, i really am but its too much pressure and i dont know what to do" I said "Casey please, i promise i'll look after ya this time, i swear" He said, his voice cracking " I know Niall, i know. I just need time" He nodded and pecked my cheek before walking up to his room. I turned to see Louis looking at me in disbelief "What?" I snapped "I-nothing." He walked away 

-A few days Later-

I knocked lightly on Niall's door "Hello?" He asked grogily "Niall, i have your dinner, i'll just leave it at the door" "Okay" He replied and i sighed, ever since that day he hasn't eaten, showered or gotten up from bed. I haven't seen him since that day actually. I placed the hot plate on the warm fluffy carpet and started walking off, but stopped dead in my tracks. I have to fix this. I walked to his room again and tapped my knuckles against the brown oak wood door "Niall open up" "Im tired, maybe later case" He replied "No, Niall now" I demanded. I heard him sigh lowly and get up, waling to the door and unlocking the door.

When it swung open there stood a blonde guy with brown roots coming up , with grey dull eyes and pale skin, his once pink plump lips were now faded and dry, he had bags under his eyes and he was wearing a shirt and sweats. "Yeah?" He asked, monotanously "Is that offer still up?" I asked, smiling lightly "What offer?" He asked, confused "The one where i get to be yours again" His eyes lit up instantly and his dry lips curled into a half smile "Of course" I smiled and hugged him tightly, before pulling back and pecking his dry lips

"I love you, Niall and im sorry"

"I love you too, and im sorry aswell" 

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