Forbidden Enchantment: Chapter 32

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Kay. WELLL, I uploaded! xD Three days before exams. rofl. Must study now! So yeah, this was written mostly as a distraction so eh, NO PROPER EDITING. I don't understand bits of it even but EHH. BUTI PROMISE MORE ACTION IS COMING--TWINS. EVIL PERSON. SCIRPTURA. RUINS. LINK. ARON. AIDEN. KABOOM. <-- HINT. LOL. Thanks for reading! xD 

As I opened the door to step in I somehow had the urge to look up. That was when my body completely jerked backwards, my heartbeat spiking up to a hundred miles per hour. In one of the shop windows overlooking the car park, with a phone in their hands was the last person I would ever expect to find. In fact, I had to do a double take to make sure my eyes were not just deceiving me.

But by then they were gone.

 Still, I could not help but gasp out her name just for sake of hearing myself say it.



“What did you say?” Aaron asked, a crease on his forehead.

“Molly”, I repeated, a bit louder this time.

“What about her?” He asked, clearly not getting what I was trying to say.

“Here”, I managed to croak out. “She’s here... she’s here!” I shouted the last part, tears springing in my eyes. She was here, she had been following us. Waiting in the car for Aaron on Friday, then when we were stealing the car—she had been there. She knew; what meant—he knew. Oh shit. He knew! Aiden knew, she was his partner and they had found us. We were done. That was it. Game over.

“Get in the car”, Aaron instructed with a lack of emotion on his features and in his voice as well. My body moved like a reflex to his words and I strapped myself in, whilst trying to keep my breathing in tune. Why now? I kept repeating to myself, as if that would help me come up with an answer. Things were just starting to make sense and maybe I was starting to get somewhere with all this Link business, but now Molly came along and managed to positively mess things up. I mean, did she know that I was a human-angel-demon hybrid and that both Aaron and Aiden were both fallen, yet completely opposite to each other? Given that she was with Aiden, he had to have mentioned something to her for rationalising his actions, yet—would he really tell her the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It didn’t seem very probable, considering that Molly didn’t really come across as the strong-willed type to me, forever reason that was.

My thoughts were in a haze as Aaron sped down through the windy roads, with the signs declaring that we were getting closer and closer to the main motorway network. Although from there on out, God knew where we were going to go. With my heartbeat spiking, I knew I needed something—someone—to distract me, help me think of something else, and yes, someone else too, yet whenever I peeked a sideways glance to Aaron, he came to mind. My brain just loved screwing with me, didn’t it? What were my feeling towards those two anyways, and why was I feeling drawn to both at the same time and—

I decided to cut myself off there and mentally slapped myself. Why was I pondering on my attraction for those two at this time!? Of all the times I could have been having this conversation with myself, I chose now. Again brain, why?

I was cut off from my mental scolding when I heard the distinct sound of Aaron laughing. I turned to face him, my expression incredulous. He was laughing!? Okay, so maybe my brain wasn’t the most wired one out there.

“Why did you just slap yourself...?” he trailed off, shaking his head. I felt my mouth drop open at this and I knew that a blush was starting to creep up to my cheeks. I guess that mental slap hadn’t stayed so mental then. Huh. Interesting. Embarrassing.

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