-Chapter Thirty-five-

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"Can you go get the milk, please," Edaline asked.

"Yeah, sure," Sophie said.

Sophie made her way down the different aisles to the dairy section. She opened one of the fridges and took out a jug of milk. She found her may back to Edaline.

They went to the checkout and left to go load the groceries into the car. After piling all the bags into the trunk.

Sophie went to go put the buggy up into the cart return. The slope looked like the perfect opportunity. She stood on the cart and pushed herself off.

The cart started to pick up speed as it went down the small hill. She laughed, the wind blowing in through her hair.

But she was going too fast to stop quickly when she felt that familiar tingle in her tongue. Her heart dropped.

"MOM!" She yelled.

The cart was wobbling out of control as her vision hazed over. She felt herself get tossed off the cart. Her vision closed off before hitting the ground.

Sophie's eyes fluttered open with a pounding headache. The light bore through her corneas. She winced and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Where... where am I?" She muttered.

She had vaguely seen a ceiling when she opened her eyes. But wasn't she just outside?

"At home," a familiar voice told her. She couldn't tell who's it belonged to.

She forced her eyes open to see a fuzzy blonde shape in front of her.

She tried to lift her head so she could see better, but a hand carefully guided it back onto a pillow. She grimaced as her head fell back down, pain shooting her skull.

"Careful," the voice told her. "From what Edaline told me, pretty sure you knocked loose a few screws." The voice chuckled.

Her vision focused enough to see Keefe leaning over her. She turned her head a little to see the pillow she was laying on was in his lap.

"When did..." Her brain didn't want to complete her sentence.

"I was here waiting for you to get back while you were at the store. And you got here about thirty minutes ago. You were out for a bit."

"My head," she groaned.

His face fell. "Yeah, I bet."

Keefe tried to inspect the wound, but she flinched back. The action felt like her brain rammed against her skull. She whined.


Sophie heard footsteps walk into the room, then her mom say, "She's awake?"

"Yeah, woke up about five minutes ago," Keefe told her.

Edaline crouched in front of her. She reached out and swept her hair to the side to see the gash better.

Edaline gently touched the edges of it. Sophie whimpered.

"I know," Edaline cooed. "But I need to see what we're working with here. Dad is on the phone to see if we should go into the ER."

"Headache," Sophie mumbled.

"I imagine," she murmured. She gently stroked her hair, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Sophie let her eyes flutter closed again as she grumbled from the pain.

More footsteps. "Alright," Grady said. "They said it'd be best if we went in. From the looks of it, she could have a concussion."

"Hey, Kiddo," he kissed her head. "Think you can stand up and make it to the car."

Sophie nodded.

Grady helped her sit up and get to her feet. Keefe hooked an arm through her elbow to steady her. They slowly started to head outside, but Sophie kept wobbling off from where she was trying to go.

Keefe placed his other hand on her shoulder to guide her back on track. She turned and nuzzled to him.

"Bub," she mumbled.

"Me?" He asked.

She nodded and clung to him. He held onto her and shuffled them to the car.

On the car ride, she laid her head on his shoulder. She was pretty sure she was blacking out from time to time. One second, there were trees, and when she blinked, they were passing by houses.

Sophie attempted to walk on her own, but when she nearly careened into one of the pillars by the entrance, Grady picked her up bridal style. He placed her in one of the waiting room chairs.

When let back into the room, the doctor asked what happened. Edaline explained. Sophie's brain was still too hazy to cooperate with her.

"Alright," the doctor said, sitting in front of her. "Think you can say your full name for me?"

"Sophie... Elizabeth... Foster." Making her mouth speak the words was difficult. Her tongue didn't want to work with her.

Following the doctor's finger in different directions was just as exhausting.

"Ok," the doctor murmured. "I think you should get a CT scan."

Being wheeled over for the CT had her head spinning. She leaned against the wheel hair, trying to focus.

After the scan, they finished cleaning up her head wound. Thankfully, she didn't need stitches. They headed back home when the doctor told them Sophie, in fact, had a mild concussion.

Keefe led her into her room, arriving at the house. She crawled under the covers. When Keefe tried to leave, she reached on and held onto his arm.

"Mmm, stay?" she asked.

He gave her a soft smile. "Sure."

He laid down next to her. She snuggled up against his warmth. He held on tight, the comfort of his presence, lulling her to sleep.

Also btw, the date for my surgery is July 17th. Heads up on that.

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